
Met RedForester08 (Jim) last night. He passed me on Route 4 in Sanford, slowed down, and waved me to the side of the road. Got to meet him briefly... nice to meet you Jim! Hope your son is ok with his bee-sting. The Forester exhaust sounded good...
Good to meet you to Craig. Next time I will have more time to talk. Tyler is fine, A little Benadrill (-10 sp) The exhaust is stock now. but 5500 rpm's always sound good going by. Your car is the same as my Impreza. The boys spot you all the time.

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spotted k dice on minot ave tonite, a green obs at intersection by auburn walmart, and waved to a black wrx further down minot ave near rotary but didnt get a wave back, a also a black wrx in oxford

Finally got a wave back from that Red Impreza with the WRX wing in Alfred today! About time buddy! lol

I saw so many Subes today on my morning commute... including a nice Red WRX with tinted windows all the way around, rims, etc... looked like that girl again that I saw at the Sanford rotary a few weeks back.

I also saw a Silver WRX hatchback in South Berwick on 236 by the Links golf course. He never waves to me either.

And last night on my way home on Route 4 in Alfred I saw a Green OBS with a light bar on the front. I've seen him a few times too, but this time I was daydreaming and didn't have time to wave.

someone tagged me at the lewiston mall today, and also someone gave me a nice big door dent at walmart.

spotted another wrb bugeye wagon, pulling out of mcd's on Union Street in Bangor around 910pm
tagged a blk blob eye wrx at the public landing in rockland and saw a silver bugeye with black hood and blk rims ion damriscotta and didnt mean to do a reply my bad!!!

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Met flat4awd today at Gabes, I love the swapped RS!!! Also spotted a 2011 black WRX sedan in Lisbon. And BigD003 in Wiscasset!!


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