
2.5 RS GC series sedan dark blue, main st Rockland. Pretty sure it's the one for sale at Norm's for like $9k. Looked wicked wicked good, extra clean. I v v jealous.


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Saw a UGM or CGM WRX parked at Diamond Hill Sportscards parking lot in Greenland today. It had Maine plates with a "Townie" York, Maine sticker on the rear left bumper. Looked like hazard lights on the dash/window too... perhaps a firefighter?

saw a WRB bugeye wagon at crossroads in rockland getting gas. and a saw a hawkeye WRX blk sedan at flagship in rockland.

saw a WRB bugeye wagon at crossroads in rockland getting gas. and a saw a hawkeye WRX blk sedan at flagship in rockland.

seen a dgm sti on lisbon st, a white srx with roof rack and black wheels center st aub, wrb sti and then a dgm wrx on youngs corner rd

Silver 02ish rex wagon with pink wheels and a pink decal on the hatch by aubochaun in norway. You wouldn't have seen me tho. I'm stealthy

09 or something red wrx 5dr. also a nice black wagon sti scoop didnt see what year maybe 06-07? (sounded really nice!)

brandy new silver STI sedan @ Team O'Neil on Saturday, car belonged to a student. car so new it still had paper tags. License plate frame said Patriot.

The owners were both quite enthusiastic drivers, the wife was especially good at getting the school Fiestas to oversteer dramatically and almost always got em back in line!
She blamed it on her big brothers who taught her early on about the joys of e-brake turns and cutting donuts.

brandy new silver STI sedan @ Team O'Neil on Saturday, car belonged to a student. car so new it still had paper tags. License plate frame said Patriot.

The owners were both quite enthusiastic drivers, the wife was especially good at getting the school Fiestas to oversteer dramatically and almost always got em back in line!
She blamed it on her big brothers who taught her early on about the joys of e-brake turns and cutting donuts.
Kinda regret not getting one of these...Still happy with mine for now!


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