
Just saw a nice black Forester in Rangeley on Dallas Rd heading towards Saddleback Mountain. I think the letters in the grill might've said, "XTI"

That is 4wrxter on here. He owns powder dreams ski shop by Saddleback, also has a silver wrx wagon.

Met up with natesbeaulieu this morning to talk cars a little bit, and then saw a nice obp 09 or 10 wrx hatch with license plate "t wrx"

Spotted this in Freeport in the Adidas parking lot. Who are you?


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Spotted a blue wrx 04-05 at swetts on hogan rd in bangor with wat looks like new front mount setup. More info please did they do it for you? prolly last week now I think is when I saw it

yesterday on my way back from the group drive I saw a couple guys standing around their subarus a little before windsor at a house we exchanged waves and their cars were a lifted early wagon and a LGT 2nd gen.


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