
Green TV Impreza sedan in boothbay big wring on the back, looked like 3 inch to a big muffler. It was sitting in a lot where a building was being built. It's on steelies, is it swapped? Nice looking car!!!

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saw a blobeye WRB WRX stock in belfast today. and a bugeye with huge exhuast at wiscasset ford must have been a mechanics car.

the other day I spotted a white OBS I think, on Main Ave near the airport in bangor. you looked at me like "whooooos that?" but I noticed too late.

also spotted a green OBS on same road few days later either near the light or round about. you looked at me and I u. but I didnt wave wasnt sure if you wer some old dude.

Spotted Josh in his Frankenstein of a pickup hauling a quad today on my way into Levant.

Ive also spotted bunch of you guys, idk but im not into waving, just looking at your wheels.

Im the "Scuby" dressed in my business decals. with Subaru on windshield.

Also will be heading to Turner tomorrow or Monday. Maybe ill see someone.

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Saw a red hawkeye wrx with tinted windows almost get into a three car pile up coming off exit 8 this morning on 295 north bound. stupid student driver (woman) tried to merge in front of another rapidly approaching shitmobile (woman) who was directly in front of the wrx. sounded like the second car locked up all four wheels. I would have waved but I was too busy swerving around yall and hitting the gas to get the F out of the way. Hope you didnt get any damage.

Silver 04-05 impreza hatch pointing at me on hogan rd(saw you in my rearview) and a silver gc rs on 95 south by union st exit in bangor around 2

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