
maybe 30-60 miles...tops

also tagged an 08-10 dark grey wrx with chrome trim at the walmart in bangor yesterday, had a vanity plate

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Spotted a camo green painted bugeye wrx sedan in Alfred/Sanford around 4 and a silver OBS with pink HIDs in Alfred.
Saw this Silver OBS tonight. He pulled up behind me as I was coming out of the Post Office. Those lights are just silly. There can't be any output from them at all. I gave him a wave as I pulled onto my road, he blared by me on the side. Exhaust sounded pretty good. Looked like a Tsudo N1 style exhaust.

Seen a black gc with ra flaps in auburn, a silver wrx parked at bjs parking lot with a black hood n black rims, and a 2012 impreza hatch, looked sharp, but a lot like a matrix

Saw a Silver 2dr RS getting on to 395 heading toward brewer around 8:30 this morning.

paging gclark. spotted you on campus today, parked one car away from ya
Yay! I didn't see you

Spotted RedForester08 coming off of the Sanford traffic circle. I was headed to Physical Therapy in SoBe.

Also spotted a silver blob-eye WRX by the Mary Hurd School. Threw up a wave, and I got one back! Yeehaw!

Spotted a 08+ black STI sedan and a bugeye WRB wrx wagon on RT 1A pass in front of Garrett's auto sales between 12 and 1. I know this wasn't a Subaru but I also saw a truck pulling a enclosed snowmobile trailer and one side was on the rim

Tagged a Silver RS (First Gen) at the Waterboro Hannaford Parking lot last night. M/F got out of the car, went in and left their doggie in the car in the cold! Luckily they were only in there for a few minutes. The dog started barking at me when I dropped the card under their windshield wiper lol.

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Saw 3 WRX's at USM Gorham today. One was Ryan, another had NH plates who I have no idea, and another was an 04-05 WRX silver.

Spotted a blue wrx near augusta Civic Center, and a decked out obs pulling out of the hotel next to The Augusta Civic Center.

the wife was driving my silver RS with my computer logos on it.

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