
spotted a blk wingless blobeye wrx with snowflakes and lowered a bit at the puffin stop in rockland and my mom said she saw a blob eye wrx sedan all blacked out with red flaps in rockland yesterday!

Couple more cars Ive been seeing...first is a red WRX wagon in Gardiner,loud rumble...goes by my jobsite under Dennis' pizza every day around is a black 04-05 WRX almost as loud as my car coming off Lynn rd(2 driveways down from me) in Litchfield 3 or 4 times now...anyone on here???

on my trip to portland today I saw a wrb hawkeye wrx sti in the mall parking lot near best buy and also saw a white new wrx with new sti wing with red rims near best buy and in downtown portland I saw a blob eye wrx wrb with blk flaps and a few bugeye wrx wagons!

Ah. Either way I want it haha.

Just saw two wrb stink eye rex hatches in kennebunk. One in the park n ride, one getting on the pike.

Older guy driving a grayish hatchback STi, looked all stock and had his daughter in the passenger seat. Totally ignored my friend in a impreza... We were trying to give a thumbs up.

Edit: On KMD in Waterville.

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Spotted stichad by the jetport in the bugs eyed STI wagon. Thumbs up! That sound is awesome. I had a crisis when I heard it. It's everything I want my little wagon to be.

More subies spotted!!!!!

Two WRB STIs at the mall. One is a hawk eye and the other is a shark eye wagon. Both exceptional. Both extremely nice.

Seen Nate I believe on center st round 3ish, a maroon gc with gold rims n black hood, and a silver bugeye with black hood n wheels by bjs

Pedro, were you in Portsmouth tonight... say just after 5pm? I saw a white hawkeye wrx with gold rims pull off of Islington Street... thought it might have been you?

Got a wave from a WRB sti sedan, another wave from maybe a silver WRX, both driving between Gray and Gorham. And could have been a wave from a silver wrx wagon, tint was too dark to tell but exhaust soundedgood. That one was pulling out of the Gray park and ride.


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