
got carded somt time in the last week. I noticed it in Gray at Howells gun shop. But I had been to walmart,cabelas,hanaford, shaws,skillins in cumberland county this week so don't know where I was spotted. I have the 06 white de-racked Fozzy with gold/silver rotas. the card was kinda thrashed and could not read the name on it.

That was me! I knew you had to be some sort of enthusiast with the bbs replica wheels, figured if you werent already a member youd be intereated.

do you live near "down town" Gray? I think I have seen your car a bunch.

Thanks, yeah.

DO you liven near "downtown" Gray?

I think I have seen your car a bunch.

Spotted and exchanged waves with TylerB yesterday. Also exchanged waves with a blue STI in the shell parking lot in Sanford yesterday.

met Bill today at VIP in bangor! Gave him a card so hopefully he will join! he has an 07 sedan wrx with a very nice sounding exhaust and wingless trunk

Spotted a WRB BRZ in Old town parked a a house on the main drag from Hannaford to down town old town.

do you live near "down town" Gray? I think I have seen your car a bunch.

Thanks, yeah.

DO you liven near "downtown" Gray?

I think I have seen your car a bunch.
Yeah I live like 3 miles away from the center, im always bumblin around town tryin to stay outta trouble

Spotted a white hawkeye wrx wagon with blk rims and mud flaps rippin it from dexter street on route 1 near lowes in thomaston

Sexy mint looking red gl by portland public works, then some really really old red coupe somewhere else in portland.


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