
and another white legacy gt going by the golf course in manchester giong the other way with black rims. i honked
ive seen that car too before in winthrop.... but hes always driving a different way and never sees me.

Saw you go by as I was turning left. I was heading to Sears for tires and an alignment, nice wag
thanks man, yours is quite nice too. didnt know there were any other waggies in the area other than rally

Glad I wasn't the only one to notice that! I also saw Mr. Poon in Downtown bangor around 3:45. I don't think you saw me though.
Didn't see you- I was heading to Dunkin Donuts and then back towards the office for a meeting. Took me 20 minutes. Bangor traffic flow sucks.

That'd be me. I live right off of school st. I think that's the first time I'd seen you around.
yeah i lived in portland for a few months then moved back to sanford but im always driving around yeah that was the first time i saw ur car too lol i live off of emery street

Spotted a rally blue bugeye on gold wheels on Stillwater Ave, then when I turned into the Bangor Mall spotted a rally blue bugeye wagon license plate O RLY. Both exchanged waves.

Didn't see you- I was heading to Dunkin Donuts and then back towards the office for a meeting. Took me 20 minutes. Bangor traffic flow sucks.
Tell me about it. I had to swerve all over to catch you today so you could see me!

Quite the spotted list last night on my way up to my dad's 60th birthday in lewiston...

Let's see:

~4:00pm Was tailed by an '08/'09 wrx silver sedan with aftermarket seats - from Hampton Tolls to York exit. Dude was driving, with a chick sitting in back. Must be the seats??? Gave the rocker, got a peace sign.

~4:30pm '08/'09 CGM WRX or STI hatch southbound on '95 right after the York tolls.

> Note the time difference between the York tolls and Auburn exit. Nearly 2 hours.


~6:20 Passed an '08/'09 Impreza Sedan (dark grey - CGM?) with "SINFIST" decal on back window. Guy driving was banging his head to some heavy metal. This was right before the Auburn exit, northbound on '95.

~6:30 Spotted SUBARUDE and his TOXIC XT which is looking effin HOT right now, at the Lewiston park and ride. Thing's a beast. He picked up my wheels I had for sale. Thanks Gabe! Oh, when you took off and blew past me, I think my daughter giggled in delight. I was beaming for the next 5 minutes.

~6:35 Turning onto Pond Road from Webster St., spotted a bugeye silver WRX waggie with red sparcos and an american flag hatch. Waved, got a wave. Who is this??

~10:00pm Going through the construction zone on '95 southbound, just past Portland, I passed a WRX or STI, debadged. Had a mellon-shooter exhaust. I tapped my brake lights to say HAI! and you flashed your highbeams in return.

Phew - that's all she wrote.

spotted white 04-05 sti with gold wheels on 109 in sanford around 5 or 6 i think it was bigsxxy? waved but didnt get a wave back lol also spotted a black bugeye with aftermarket wheels by mountain view while i was at the driving range

thanks man, yours is quite nice too. didnt know there were any other waggies in the area other than rally

I'm actually in Rockport but I go through Disgusta all the time. With route one traffic this time of year I will be detouring east going through Gardiner for my forays down south for a while

Saw the same charcoal LGT I've seen a million times now at the Penobscot Ice Arena, this time with a yellow kayak on the roof. Anyone on here?

~6:20 Passed an '08/'09 Impreza Sedan (dark grey - CGM?) with "SINFIST" decal on back window. Guy driving was banging his head to some heavy metal. This was right before the Auburn exit, northbound on '95.

This is either my friend James, the one who came on the group drive with the drums in his car (Imprezident on STM), or the singer from the band they are in "Sinfist". They both have the same car in the same color, with the same decal ... one of the decals is bigger than the other though ... hahaha

who owns an 04-05 silver WRX with a huge exhaust and green neon bar on the back?

you are an idiot, theres no need of you speeding by my mom in the BREAKDOWN lane with my little sister in the car.

-License plate "Jtanner"

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