
Saw a wrx go buy in gorham past hannaford. Heard it going down the road past Carter's auto and sabego resturant i was at hannaford. had a real mean sounding exhaust

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Saw a wrx go buy in gorham past hannaford. Heard it going down the road past Carter's auto and sabego resturant i was at hannaford. had a real mean sounding exhaust
what color was it and what time? I went to hannaford today, drove down that road. I have a wrx header on my 2.5i.
2011+ WRX WRB Sedan on Cummings just now.

04-07 White STI with black chome wheels and tint headed North on 295 near the Falmouth spur.

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Probably my friend Bill. He's from Waterford not Waterboro.
I used to see that car when I used to live in Waterford, quite terrifying. Not as terrifying as when Brandon Cairns hit triple digits with me in the backseat in his crossflow turbo gti out there though. Scary stuff, leave the streetglow at home kids.


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