
Lost ALL respect for the dude in Sanford with the Plasma Blue STI this morning. First off, he sped past me on 202 in Sanford when I was doing 60 in a 55. Then he proceeds to drive in the oncoming lane because he came up to 3 or 4 cars in front of him, led by a construction dump truck. He does this numerous times for a decent amount of time looking for a way to pass. Then we come up to a stoplight where the left lane is straight or left turn only, and the right lane is RIGHT turn only. He pulls into that lane. We're stopped. He then takes off from there and jumps in front of the dumptruck. What a douchebag. It's people like this that give our community a bad rap. I will no longer wave or beep to him in the future. In fact if I ever saw him, I'd probably give him a piece of my mind.

On another note, I saw RSXNTN (Matt Briere) on 95 South this morning in the Greenland/Hampton NH area. He gave me a peace sign, I gave him a wave back!
Is this the same PBP STI (sedan) that used to parked near Rivalries all of the time? I remember seeing that car in Portland when the 2011 first came out.

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Exchanged waves with Nate on Stillwater in Orono yesterday, almost missed you, I was busy staring at all the whitewater

Ya Audis been gone a year now. FXT is the new weapon, while the Legacy gets fixed. And I talk to most of you guys when you come for parts lol.
Well if you are ever ready to sell it or want to trade for my wrx let me know haha, you have my magic and elusive FXT.

Spotted a WRB 11+ WRX wagon with Rally Armor and red taillight vinyls on RT. 25 in Westbrook around noon today. I honked.

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on the way to work around 8:40 to 9am I spotted a black 04-05 STI in old town turned in to D&D, a darker gray legacy sedan tinted out on I95 and a 06 07 WRB WRX wagon getting on to 395.

yeah that was prolly me heading to see Meyagi! Sorry I missed ya!
So you must be the one that works at/next to Blue Rock of Maine in Westbrook, right? I see your car there every morning, and it's identical to mine, minus the tail vinyls and front lip.

Silver bugeye wagon with lids down by World Gym in Portland, newer silver Impreza hatch with black wheels pulling a U-Turn on Washington/Forest, and finally a black 08+ WRX on 295 going south giving me the big eyes yesterday afternoon

Saw a silver 05 WRX on Beech Ridge Rd tonight. Pulled off the road at the light, (was going to double-back), and I tossed up a wave... Girl in the passenger seat waved back, but the driver didn't.... o_o

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