
The black wrx sedan in Westbrook is a kids from windham. Blew his motor and its been sitting there for months. Drive by on my way to school. Rumor is its being rebuilt.

I see a white imp wagon with black wheels at the 3d variety intersection on 202 every morning(parked).. looks good

Passed an 04-05 wrb WRX hatch with n1 style exhaust and rally armors with blue letters around 145 on 95 north just before exit 193. Sorry I sped up, I had to get in that lane to not miss the exit.

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Passed an 04-05 wrb WRX hatch ...... Sorry I sped up.......
Ha! Not the most believable statement from a guy named DRiVe SiDeWayZ.....

Saw Robbie in his 06 STi w/goldies as I was turning off Payne Rd tonight, flashed my brights as I was turning but meh...

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waved at a SRP bugeye wrx today in lewiston and then got a wave back from a silver bugeye wrx with a roof rack next to sabattus lake today around noon.

WRB WRX in somersworth had white rims and nuts lol he chased me down to wave he heard my car and saw my lights talk for a min told him about this site

saw an older black legacy GT, hella rally lights, license plate "2subarus" anyone know who this is?
The plate actually is "2SUBRUS", as "2SUBARUS" is eight characters, but I won't start beef over it. That would be Rob, he delivers parts for Cumberland Salvage, lives in Dayton. He is registered to this site, but rarely posts. Right now he is working on an H6 swap on a super rare rio red Legacy GT. But more importantly, he has patiently helped me out countless times with my cars.

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Spotted and tagged BIGSXY @ YCCCCCC with Dirty Impreza and Mainly Subaru's cards. Hope he appreciates the courteous messages that I wrote on them.

The plate actually is "2SUBRUS", as "2SUBARUS" is eight characters, but I won't start beef over it. That would be Rob, he delivers parts for Cumberland Salvage, lives in Dayton. He is registered to this site, but rarely posts. Right now he is working on an H6 swap on a super rare rio red Legacy GT. But more importantly, he has patiently helped me out countless times with my cars.
haha sorry about getting the plate wrong, i was going a different direction and he was darting pretty enthusiastically through traffic, i think i even saw some wheelspin when he turned onto allen avenue in portland.

Spotted a red 93-96 lifted Impreza in Augusta. Had some sort of windshield banner. I waved and they didn't.

Spotted a WRB STI 08+ turning onto RT4 at Alfred Gas this morning around 10:30. Guy driving, female passenger. He looked over at my car but no wave.

Saw Robbie in his 06 STi w/goldies as I was turning off Payne Rd tonight, flashed my brights as I was turning but meh...
I thought that was you lol..there are 2 other hatch's just like yours

I thought that was you lol..there are 2 other hatch's just like yours
Yeah, I know of at least one other, always parked outside Blue Rock of Maine in Westbrook, flaps and all.

Got a wave from a silver 08/09 WRX hatch on 295 near Yarmouth this afternoon. I was too slow to react, they probably didn't see my wave.

Exchanged waves with a black 11/12 WRX sedan on County Rd as well today. They seemed too busy/cool to be bothered, but eventually waved.

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Silver Fozzy XT in the Shaw's parking lot in Sanford last night around 4:00ish. Had veteran plates, a doggie hanging out in the back hatch (very cute!) and a smashed front drivers side headlight (ouch!). I couldn't tag him because my cards are in my car and I was with my wife in the Honder.


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