
Nefr 09 kicked ass! I saw a new wrx sitting in the woods. Maybe wrxnate? I also sat behind a kid in the woods with an ms t shirt on before we got kicked out of that portion by a man with an Irish accent. I saw countless evolutions but a surprisingly low number of STis. I also only saw like 2 other rs while I was there, other than the ones racing.

spotted Wrxnate last nite in a parking garage, i was in the dark gray navigator...heard the nice rumble in the parking garage....i love the sound of our cars in parking garages..

spotted Wrxnate last nite in a parking garage, i was in the dark gray navigator...heard the nice rumble in the parking garage....i love the sound of our cars in parking garages..

hahaha. that's who that was. it was driving me nuts all night.
i kept wondering if i knew you from somewhere.

i figured it was a club memeber that recognized my car.

& last but least a sort of beat up looking RS, no idea the year. AS I passed it the truth came out... thing didnt that beat but more like it had spent time off road and it had a growl...a pretty nice one at that...
That was me! :-) I got a little rally rash on my front bumper, dark blue, I was at the rally all weekend, had a and LDR sticker on the back window.

In regards to which frontlip is on my car Nickel I'm not sure. It was on the car when I purchased it in May. C-Rolla and I have done a little research online and as of yet haven't discovered the manufacturer....but we haven't really looked that hard.

I was pretty sure it was you judging by the pic you had posted earlier...nice ride bro.

hahaha. that's who that was. it was driving me nuts all night.
i kept wondering if i knew you from somewhere.
i figured it was a club memeber that recognized my car.

yea all me, i just came from Fuji....i had had a lil to drink, and decided to yell out the window at ya....anywat car sounded sick in the garage...looks and sounds great

who owns an 04-05 silver WRX with a huge exhaust and green neon bar on the back?you are an idiot, theres no need of you speeding by my mom in the BREAKDOWN lane with my little sister in the car.

-License plate "Jtanner"
I see that *******ing guy in Skowhegan all the time, dink out ran me in the RS heading up past the fair grounds after he cut me and my kid off passing on the inside know what they say about karma,that guy'll get his someday;)

spotted at NEFR:

Nigel, LDR, Mike Rad, RallyK, RedForester08 &fam, evil Jeff, DIRT, Kat, Mr Kat, Redline, Brighton, topdeeni, and a few more.

I heard a ton of you out there. Kinda weird going through as sweep and hear you guys yelling PEDRO!

hopefully somebody got video of the recovery of the jetta roll at one of the specci areas on SS12


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