
Spotted a 2011 WRB WRX at the Augusta airport today with some flaps on. Looked nice!
Yeah just saw that same one at the airport today too!

Also exchanged waves and gave a thumbs up to a 2000 red 2.5 rs on rt. 17, it looked awesome

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Spotted a white newer style wrx sedan with tint graphite stock rims and an exhaust go up dexter st in thomaston at a fast pace! sounded beautiful!  

Saw a nice clean silver/grayish STi on water street in Augusta. Black rims. It was dark but I think I saw flaps too.

Saw a 2011/2012 WRB WRX sedan about to cross 236 in Eliot by The Shipyard Restaurant around 5:30p. Threw up a wave and gave a honk too.

Just a little ways down the road, by Marshwood Jr High, saw a 2011 or newer STI Sedan, black. Also threw up a wave to him.

Blue05 lgt with badgeless grill in auburn this morning
I think that was a mirror 

tonight I saw a red LGT w/ red rally armors on 95 S.  He followed me for a while before hand, and I followed him to my exit.  Looked like a great car.

Hahaha where were you, more importantly what were you doing down there at 9am?
Rt 109? I dont really remember, im not too familiar with down there. I was in a big white frieghtliner van, goin to install some blasted fiberglass insulation. I HATE that stuff.

Followed an sti in auburn this morning toward Goff hill, beeped and got a wave back. Exchanged waves with an 11 12 white wrx in minot, an 08 wrx silver also in minot

Also a red wrx with flaps and exhaust at lashins in oxford

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I see a almost brand new silver STI at the car wash next to my new job i think its warren ave? Its near the dunkins and wendys close to westbrook. I think the guy who owns the STI owns the car wash? anyone on here or know who it is?

Followed a silver bugeye WRX on RT236 tonight.  Pulled out behind him at the Irving, and then followed him to where he turned off right by the Marshwood Great Works School in South Berwick.

Saw a red lifted 90s Impreza on Memorial Circle in Augusta tonight around 10.  Looked great! Pretty tall. It was dark but looked in nice shape too.
