
Yeah... and I treat her like shes a baby too... she didn't deserve it
Do you know exactly what happened? Cracked ringland? bent valve? bent rod? spun bearing?

Are you sure the SWP was a sedan? I was parked at DD down the street for a few hours last night in my '14 hatch....... waiting for a tow truck.... because my motor blew.... @ 5486 miles.... # Loaner
Pretty sure it was a sedan! The schools on a back road, looked like a driveway! Sucks bout your motor, that's crazy!

on western avenue in Augusta, an 08-10 (?) silver WRX sedan pulled up next to me in the other lane, female driver, never acknowledged me. then around the rotary she speeds way up and gets off, nearly cutting me off in the other lane.

I think I've seen that same silver WRX. Was it the non widebody 08? I have followed her all the way from Augusta to Palermo before and she drives like a bat out of hell.
I finally got a wave from her today. been passing her on 105 lately, finally waved this morning haha.

Also waved to a black GR WRX (didn't catch if hatch/sedan) on Western ave this afternoon. He was going the other way and I saw him look over at me then I waved

First gen impreza sedan on rt 202 in Manchester heading towards Augusta. The whole back was blue and the front was white, dividing line was a slant. Looked pretty good going down the road. I feel like I've seen it before. Was it for sale recently?

First gen impreza sedan on rt 202 in Manchester heading towards Augusta. The whole back was blue and the front was white, dividing line was a slant. Looked pretty good going down the road. I feel like I've seen it before. Was it for sale recently?
It was FS on craigslist recently

I saw Carter's old car again. Funny story, the new owner works for the same company as carter and I and didn't know it!

I finally got a wave from her today. been passing her on 105 lately, finally waved this morning haha.

Also waved to a black GR WRX (didn't catch if hatch/sedan) on Western ave this afternoon. He was going the other way and I saw him look over at me then I waved
Someone driving your car in Sunday in hinkley/Clinton?

Saw a super clean,black 05-07 STI sedan with aftermarket black wide rims in South Portland near Pape Chevrolet. The loud exhaust caught my attention while the driver headed up with me along side the north bound I-295. Gave each other a wave while I headed south onto Munsey Rd.

got a thumbs up yesterday on 295S from a silver bugeye, tinted, exhaust, lowered, streched tires.

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Wrb bugeye with white runs, lowered with exhaust on 119 on Minot this morning! And exchanged waves with a black Rex hatch with red flaps by job lots on oxford this afternoon


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