
Last night, rt 26 between Gray and Oxford, sober blobeye, hids in reflector housings making my rearview painful. Passed me in shaker village, smelled like racing and tears of tree huggers do I'm assuming catless. SOunded pretty

Spotted myself in a ditch last Wednesday night. Forester has seen better days.   I hope the link works. Flipped it back onto the wheel and put a qt of oil in it and she drove home with a seriously bent wheel. And it will see more drifting again...

Had enough time to while waiting for a chain. Fortunately enough it had 2 passengers and there were no injuries.

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Red blobeye with front mount on 26 Oxford yesterday, somewhere in auburn last couple days saw a gold or silver fozzy, yellow fogs, center of the front bumper done black

Saw a green older gen Forerster at the end of my road (Plains Rd) in Litchfield last night.  looked to be sitting dead in the water with the hazards on. If we would have seen someone, maybe we could have helped em out. Nobody around though. Plate was Subee or Suebea, something along those lines.


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