
Spotted a white blobeye wrx sedan with black spoked wheels, exhaust, hella horns behind the grille, and brembos at the Boothbay dump this morning.

Spotted and waved to vertigo today at big apple in Wilton! Car looks pretty cool and sounds great!

Spotted and waved to vertigo today at big apple in Wilton! Car looks pretty cool and sounds great!
Spotted at Ray gave a rev then he drove away and I was stuck at a broken pump

Black RS coupe, downtown Rockland this afternoon. Too clean for its own good, must live locally in a garage! anybody know who's it might be?

Ordered some pizza last night, and vegasjetta delivered it. Chatted with him for a few minutes, nice to meet you man!

Spotted a newer style wrx hatch in silver with rally armors on rte 73 near the time out pub in rockland only saw the back!

Spotted a white 2010+ WRX sedan with breast cancer plates that said WRX 4ME, in Wiscasset in the shopping plaza across from Shaws.

Also spotted a silverish GC sedan with a red RS hood in Brunswick today.

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I think I might have seen your car Saturday at the kittery outlets Joe...
Wasn't me, I haven't been any farther south than Cape Elizabeth in a few months. I have seen a twin of mine in Portland though, could have been him.

Yesterday on my way up from Brunswick I saw a WRB bugeye WRX pulled off the side of the highway a little north of Augusta.

I also saw a 2012? White STi with several big rally lights and red flaps, just south of Bangor looked awesome!


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