
Tonight at Dick's in Topsham I parked next to a black bugeye WRX with the STi decals on the front bumper, Nasioc decals on the rear windows and gold rims. I've seen it around that area before.

Saw a sweet looking red 2006-7 wrx with red horns behind the grill and 6000k halogen bulbs heading south on 95 around 1pm and had this blue impreza 2006 i think with a wrx hood, spoiler, and decals on 95 heading north got off on the auburn exit. driver was a woman with spiky blonde hair no longer than justin biebers

WRB bugeye wrx in the portland park n ride by World Gym. Also a green leggy wagon with plaid hood
Plaid hood is urabus.

Gave a wave to a tinted black fozz xt with exhaust in windham not too long ago, and saw some tweenie driving like a maniac in a silver 04/05 ? Wrx with a black hood, turned onto river road from 302

Plaid hood is urabus.

Gave a wave to a tinted black fozz xt with exhaust in windham not too long ago, and saw some tweenie driving like a maniac in a silver 04/05 ? Wrx with a black hood, turned onto river road from 302
HOLY yeah I knew that, I see him all the time. Mind went blank on that one. Dave what are you doing parked there??

Sonic yellow wrx near the rotary on minot ave in auburn this morning. And a silver wrx wagon with tinted tails on center st in auburn

Spotted a white first gen Impreza with either a jdm hood or RS/OBS conversion (it was dark) on it on 196 in Lisbon Falls around 4:30ish today. Make yourself known I demand it!

Saw a blue 11-13 WRX hatchback S-bound on 295.

Saw a black 11-13 WRX sedan at a toll on N-bound 295.

Saw an older impreza in Portland near congress st.

saw tylers old wrx in berwick area, and also the blue sti with the silver stripes. then saw Peter in his yellow bugeye wagon on the bypass in gorham, and on my way back from gardner mass i ended up racing a 05-06 lgt with some mods. lexus won lol


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