
Saw a gentleman in a lowered forester, with pink wheels and matching scoobies for boobies decal ensignia, driving very conservatively in the passing lane on 295 north in p land today.

Keep seeing a blue wrx on 202 in Manchester/Augusta with a white "Subaru" vinyl on the side of the car, anyone on here? Also seen a super clean '13 WRB WRX with what looks like blacked out windows on 202 by Charlie's. exchanged waves both times, beautiful ride!
The Rex with the Subaru vinyl belongs to a friend of a friend of mine. I don't think he is on this forum yet. His name is Allen Thomas I think.

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Saw a gentleman in a lowered forester, with pink wheels and matching scoobies for boobies decal ensignia, driving very conservatively in the passing lane on 295 north in p land today.
that's Scott,he is a service writer at Pape subaru
Saw a black wrx on state st. in augusta getting shaken down by the po-po. 

I forgot to post this but I spotted this absolute beast in Augusta about 2 weeks ago when I went to pick up some parts I had painted

I didn't get a chance to see the owner but one of the guys said the owners name is Paul (I forget the last name). Anyone on here?


Nchabot and a first gen legacy leaving the show shine and drag, I was in the 07 imp wagon with tint and rumble going north. Took off the light bar so I'm not as noticeable

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I heard there was little turnout for show cars and that the drags were laughable. I live up here and didn't know it was happening

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Nchabot and a first gen legacy leaving the show shine and drag, I was in the 07 imp wagon with tint and rumble going north. Took off the light bar so I'm not as noticeable
Saw you too! Tried to save back but it was a little too late haha.

Spotted nchabot on hotel red finite round 830 9 fish. Can't miss that pink bar lol
I didn't see you! I do stick out though! I love that autocorrect changed "ish" to "fish"

I forgot to post this but I spotted this absolute beast in Augusta about 2 weeks ago when I went to pick up some parts I had painted

I didn't get a chance to see the owner but one of the guys said the owners name is Paul (I forget the last name). Anyone on here?
Ricer bugeye! I bet its stock under the hood

I was at the show for about half an hour. It was pretty sad. All the "imports" were ghetto as hell and the drags were pretty much lame. I went to watch my buddy race his cummins but he broke it before I got there.


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