
Saw Rob in the camo-dipped wrx on Commercial while I was filling up. That thing would look perfect at home parked in a national guard armory.

Also exchanged waves with an 08-10 DGM WRX hatch near Veterans today. 

Tried replying to a couple of spots but my phone is stupid..... Ill post when I'm at a computer

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Spotted an older green obs at dennys in auburn around 8. Had mounted fogs with a tape x over the lenses. License plate "x13x" I'm pretty sure.

Saw a silver 05 lgt last night. Driving like an ass. Plate #BRAKL8


In other news, it was a long day yesterday at work and people were driving 5 under everywhere I went.

Saw a LGT at the Irving on KMD last night. Temp tags, stock wheels painted gunmetal and tinted tails. You were looking under your hood. I had the GRP LGT at the pump.

Spotted a first gen lifted red forester on cony rd. in augusta today there was also 2 95-99 legacy's in the yard one was for sale

Also keep see imprezah's xt around the L/A area


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