
Spotted a line of Subies by the Alfred Country Store this morning on the way to Boost & Tune in NH.  Had a great time there.  I have 88 photos if anyone is interested?  Let me know and I'd be happy to start a thread.  There were a TON of Subies there.... (well, seeing as it was put on by a Subaru group... duhhh!)

White blob eye sti, plate 2naasti (yes, again) this time at the Paine house on Skeet field road, then on 26 up in Norway. Told the woman I was jealous of how the exhaust sounded and she said it was "way too loud" (my bike is louder)

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Spotted a white 08+ Wrx wagon/hatchback on friday night, pretty low with wheels that was behind us up route 111 from alfred then on 95 and followed us all the way to Beech Ridge motor speedway. We were in the silver 03 legacy with Connecticut plates. Figured you are probably on here. 

EllaE was behind me on Minot ave, waved ridiculously at eachother. She then witnessed a Prius attempt to run me off the road...hahaha. My child now won't stop yelling "ELLA! ELLA!"

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EllaE was behind me on Minot ave, waved ridiculously at eachother. She then witnessed a Prius attempt to run me of the road...hahaha. My child now won't stop yelling "ELLA! ELLA!"
I was just coming here to post all that, should've known you'd be ahead of me again
.  I love him he's SO CUTE!!  Also, Prius drivers are awful.  "HEY, THERE IS A SEMI IN FRONT OF ME, I'M JUST GONNA...USE YOUR LANE.  WITH YOU IN IT."

Edit: commas.

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I was just coming here to post all that, should've known you'd be ahead of me again
.  I love him he's SO CUTE!!  Also, Prius drivers are awful.  "HEY, THERE IS A SEMI IN FRONT OF ME, I'M JUST GONNA...USE YOUR LANE.  WITH YOU IN IT."

Edit: commas.
i love that you roll down your window, point and him and say..."THIS GUY?!"

Also spotted EllaE I believe at the pumps at lil mart on minot ave. And a red GC sedan with black rs hood and rs front bumper
Yessss that was meeee!!  DON'T GET FUEL THERE; $3.95 for 91...ouch.  If I had looked at the price before I pumped, I'd have waited until I passed through Bangor later tonight and filled up at Doc's.  It was $3.88 for 93 last time I went there.

Yessss that was meeee!!  DON'T GET FUEL THERE; $3.95 for 91...ouch.  If I had looked at the price before I pumped, I'd have waited until I passed through Bangor later tonight and filled up at Doc's.  It was $3.88 for 93 last time I went there.
lucky for me i  dont got a turbo so i get to use regular gas, but still expensive there even with that.  haha

Spotted a white 12-13 STI Sedan in by cumbys Winslow today, tint, red rims And an exhaust. And a 09+ WRB STI hatch on Kennedy memorial drive turning into Applebee's I believe.

Seen a newer grey outback with rims, light bar on Goff hill in auburn today. Exchanged waves with a regal blue still hatch in mechanic falls

Spotted a white 12-13 STI Sedan in by cumbys Winslow today, tint, red rims And an exhaust. And a 09+ WRB STI hatch on Kennedy memorial drive turning into Applebee's I believe.
funny my uncle was telling me about a newer white STi with red rims today too, must be the same one


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