
Some Douchenozzle in a 96ish Maroon Outback Wagon with Dark Colored split spoke wheels was tailgating me yesterday.  Then I turned off, and he went down the next street at about 100 to catch up to me at the next stop sign.  Then almost rear ended me as I was pulling on another road.  While I had my 2 year old in the car.  Next time, I hope I'm in the car alone.  I'll let you hit me, promise.  Then I get to hit you, okay? 

(Also, this wasn't GClark, as I was asking around, everyone thought I was talking about him, it's the newer body style from that) 

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Spotted a black hatchback Rex with hids and flaps on 26, then a wrb wrx a few cars later with exhaust, then a 2011white Rex with yellow fogs and flaps, then a few cars later a black Rex with badge less grill, flaps and exhaust, then a silver brz with gold rims(couped up)?? Maybe

Lady in a blue gr wrx on hogan road in bangor yesterday.

Drvsdwz @ work, sorry I couldn't stick around and say hey. You looked tied up with a customer.

Nahawki with the fashionable green lightbar today

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Black bugeye leaving the Sunday River access road as I was about to turn in. Exchanged waves. Also spotted a black 09/10 WRX hatch and 2011-2013 black STi with some tasteful mods parked on the access road near lot 3. Anyone who didn't make it up there for the Redbull Frozen Rush event truly missed out. It was absolutely INSANE!

Sorry Ryan, didn't even notice you there.when did you stop in?
Mid morning. You were busy with a customer when I came in, and went out back to grab something for them while I was shopping. No worries. Do work son

Black 04-05 sti main St Paris, an talked to a guy with a silver newish style Rex in Danville last night when I was sanding

JBKellySubiGirl said:
Just saw a silver WRX on Maine St. Westbrook. And saw a white 2012 WRX in the Old Port parked by Bills Pizza last night.
White hatch with no tint? If so it's my friends 2014, we were at Pat's Pizza watching the games.

JBKellySubiGirl said:
Just saw a silver WRX on Maine St. Westbrook. And saw a white 2012 WRX in the Old Port parked by Bills Pizza last night.
White hatch was most likely me. I was there most of the night. Got it less than a month ago. You spotted it on the first day with the rally armors!

Went down to Portland today, saw three WRXs around the Old Port.

Was then driving through Standish and saw a really nice Outback wagon with "hawkes" or close to it as the license. It had custom exhaust and caught my eye pretty well.

Then coming through Auburn and saw a Legacy Spec B at the Irving on 202. Followed that one into town for a ways, barely kept up!


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