
I was followed down Broadway by a Black 2011/12 WRX sedan with no tint and on stock 02/03 wheels into Broadway Variety in South Portland. Also saw a Black Blobeye with an exhaust driving down Broadway as I was walking out the door.

Went down to Portland today, saw three WRXs around the Old Port.

Was then driving through Standish and saw a really nice Outback wagon with "hawkes" or close to it as the license. It had custom exhaust and caught my eye pretty well.

Then coming through Auburn and saw a Legacy Spec B at the Irving on 202. Followed that one into town for a ways, barely kept up!
I think the spec b was probably spinmastert's dad. Thing is sweet.
A blackish BD-era Legacy GT flashed his lights to alert me of a speed trap coming into Fryeburg today. Although we were all abiding by the posted speed limit, I appreciate the camaraderie, thanks dude!

Just met and chatted with the kid with the "wgnftw" plates, didn't catch your name! Bummer about your xt
I'm sure i'll be seeing you around.

Hey dude driving a black '12ish hatch with red wheels, you just woke me up with a loud exhaust ripping down my dead-end road.... I severely dislike you 

maaaaan I'm never in my scoob when I see other scoobs. Gardiner bridge saw a silver bugeye wrx looked like it had a bigger scoop, sti wing with the top part of the wing black, rear spats, tint and I think exhaust from what I could see. Looked BEAST


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