
Apparently it's a thing now in lewiston/auburn for people to ride the bumper of subarus and try to start races all the time?

Lame! You're welcome for the brake check, Matrix asshole.

Spotted a ton of you over the past few days while dubbing around helping out with/attending my sister's wedding.

Had some guy that lives off my street do that to me last Sunday. I lost my raisin on him. Said he wanted to race/pass me. It's a 25mph zone. wtf were you thinking.

Had a 2011/13 WRB WRX behind me on St. John st in Portland. Then exchanged waves with a silver bugeye WRX wagon with an exhaust and tint coming out of the Gulf station on Brighton Ave.

Silver Fozzy XT at Cumberland Farms in Biddeford last night, right before 5pm.  HID's and yellow fogs.  I was with my wife (not in the Subaru).  Looked like you had bright white LED backup bulbs too.

Just saw a newer silver wrx with red flaps by hannahford in farmington and 10 mins later a silver blob eye STI by renys in farmtown

Hey dude driving a black '12ish hatch with red wheels, you just woke me up with a loud exhaust ripping down my dead-end road.... I severely dislike you 
Did you catch the plate?  A guy matching that description used to live next door to me in Orono with the plate "T-WRX" and he used to go the wrong way up a one-way hill with a blind corner.  Neighbors would report a "red and black car" so the cops always hassled me about it.  Nice guy, rude driver.

Silver Rex at auburn Walmart round 11 this morning. Impreza gt at KFC on center st, silver Rex getting gas at big apple in oxford. And a dark blue Rex at a carwash in southparis this afternoon

05ish blue legacy with snowflakes and license plate: "sauc-ee" at Orono House of Pizza. (assuming it is one the owners because of the plate? maybe not?)

Did you catch the plate?  A guy matching that description used to live next door to me in Orono with the plate "T-WRX" and he used to go the wrong way up a one-way hill with a blind corner.  Neighbors would report a "red and black car" so the cops always hassled me about it.  Nice guy, rude driver.
Yup probably that guy. Making a great impression on the population per usual.

Did you catch the plate? A guy matching that description used to live next door to me in Orono with the plate "T-WRX" and he used to go the wrong way up a one-way hill with a blind corner. Neighbors would report a "red and black car" so the cops always hassled me about it. Nice guy, rude driver.
That guy is always tooling around. Makes the rest of us look like a bunch of tools.

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Seen Coupedup in the BRZ, Topsham/coastal connector intersection this afternoon. I was in a Prius, so no illegal street racing could occur, just insanity based MPG.
Was it the one I made the turn onto the bypass a bit slideways? Damn studded snows. I was all over the Brunswick/Topsham area this afternoon.

Spotted an STM two five RS on rt.202, just after The Milk Room around 10:45am. Saw a WRB bugeye mobile around 11:30am, also on rt.202, in almost the same area.


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