
Saw a silver WRX sedan with lime green wheels today on Commercial. Vanity plate but I can't remember what it said.
It said Kembal.

That's my girlfriend. There's some car and plate swapping that will be going on soon.

Saw a brz turnig off of winter st in topsham. I would have waved but I was in Lala land and didn't notice until I was passing them, it was just past 6pm

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Saw a silver second generation impreza wrx, blob eye I think, in Augusta turning in to Charlies.

Had a big wing and a roof rack, license plate was Stelthy. Looked really nice.

Was just behind a silver 02-05 sedan wingless debadged with a can on summer/Mt auburn ave in Auburn. Revved at me as I turned on Gracelawn. Sounds wicked gnarly

Saw a white blobeye on main street in Lewiston by the DMV yesterday.  I saw it quickly, but it had black panels on the bumper and it looked like dark purple wheels?

Thought the car looked vaguely familiar! Saw him 2 more times and he never waved back lol he's starting of in a bad foot. Must be new to the Subaru nation. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
haha yeah he is. he came to my house later that night and kept talking about how all these people kept waving at him

Was in front of a black 08+ STI hatch on my commute yesterday. Some prius with a for hire plate was in front of me and constantly changing lanes, realizing they messed up, and trying to merge back in. Typical prius @#$&... Blew the doors off it when I had the chance, hoping the STI would follow suit but apparently they weren't 12 years old like myself. 

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Oh no kidding. I didn't think it looked like you lol. Did you see me? I was in my OBS.
I'm guessing it was between DQ and Cumberland Farms, I normally don't notice anyone but those about to rear end me or the idiots going straight and in the left lane driving slow in front of me. That stretch is an idiot magnet, surprised I've only dealt with 1 accident there.


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