Spring Group Drive

Kati only said that because everyone was saying that you were leading the pack, and we were trying to call you to see where you were. But signal was crap down there!!!

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after being left behind I lead the pack back to where we were suppose to be but I really didnt even lead them there cause I didnt have a gps and have never been there before so who ever bought eddie hunts old wrx really lead us back on track cause he had a gps

Why, is something out of hand? Im not upset, and I think everyone else is cool now aren't they? We Cool? We cool.

I thought the behavior on the dirt drive last year was pretty good. Nobody was an DONKEY, and everyone drove to their level. Nobody got hurt, and people who couldn't make it left.

Now that I'm thinking about the dirt drive last year... The only asshattery that went on was my co-driver.... Telling me he'd be there. Then just not showing up at all. No warning, nothing. Wouldn't even answer his phone that morning.

My codriver crashed my car into le tree.
My friend who wants to come on the summer dirt drive with me can't drive stick.. And my car isn't the easiest stick to drive. So no co crashing into a tree for me! I can crash into trees just fine myself.

there will be no crashing into trees...grip levels will be 10x what they were last drive...which means faster speeds which means if someone decides to do some landscaping...ok so some of you knuckleheads might actually hit some trees. LOL
