STI Convertible

and update on the a PT cruiser abortion, there is suppose to be 4 more of these being made....... If you see one on the road for the love of god aim for it.....

saw this not too long ago, ugly as crap... im not sure id ever want a convertible subie... maybe a baja with a removable top or somthing but no way an impreza or anything with a full size roof

I'd cruise around in it. It still handles well, fast, etc. And I like convertibles. I'd just squint my eyes when approaching it.

Goddamn, who the hell thought it'd be a great idea to create a convertible??? They'll be driving they're "most-likely automatic" AUTO-TRAGIC convertible around trying to race some kiddies who just got their licenses, make a sharp turn an OOPS...just rolled the vehicle, might survive with a regular hard top, but oh bought the convertible subie, YOUR cookieED!! You'll be burning in hell for buying that POS, but hey just think on the bright side, after you get to the 7th level of hell, you'll be sitting next to the guy who thought it'd be a good idea to turn that car into a convertible!

Too much? Ahahahahahhhahahah..."Feel the burning sensation of the hate? That's me pouring salt in your wounds"

I saw this on NASIOC and 3GWRX, Gary of Manchester Subaru said the asking price is $70,000. I think it's ugly also but someone will buy it in the end.

take one perfectly useful STI.

Sawzall off the top (which just happens to be a major structural component)

more Sawzall work to door frames (more structural strength buh-bye!)

bolt on folding lump of canvas, all the while hoping the body don't break in half before you sell the dogpile

find customer with more money than brains

presto, you gots a U-NEEK Vee-hickle, splashed all over the IntarWeb

WTF ppl.

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