Subarus in the local news.

Figured I'd start a topic on Subarus in the local news.

If you see any local news stories with subies in them post em up...

I just found GClarks old outback...

i live 4 streets down from this turn and go on it everyday and i dont like this turn! but i was wondering where that outback went too

Crikey guys, here's another one! GC Impreza driver went too hot into a long Left5 on a rural road, went off the outside, smacked a house where owner was in living room watching TV. The 2800-lb Subie punted a 6000-pound F-150 onto its roof before smacking the house. Only reason Scoob didn't go straight into guy's living room was the big-ass truck parked outside, which owner leaves there for exactly this reason.

WTF, pay attention out there!!!! Hope this is not a "hang up and drive" kind of situation...


We celebrate fast cars here, we also need to celebrate driving them mindfully.

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Lets be honest. People are stupid. More honesty. Why would we think Subaru drivers are any different. Think about the dumbest person you ever met. Then multiply that by a couple million. That is what is on our roads. See it everyday, and not just in Subarus.

Good point.

Still, why not do what we can, and help promote the idea of keeping our brains engaged while driving of our favorite cars here on MS.?!

While being honest, let's remember that driving a car is statistically the most dangerous thing we do on a daily basis (Marine Corps guys excepted
) so don't take it for granted.

An Outback wagon was stolen from Oak Hill High some years ago by a 16 year old boy. The Lewiston Police in chased him after seeing erratic operation. The police were not aware it was stolen (Not reported at the time). The chase was called off and moments later the driver lost control striking a utility pole. The SAME THING HAPPENED TO THAT WAGON. The car was split in two. Driver died on scene. Tragic........
