I'm in! will potentially need some assistance replacing the downstream o2 sensor while I'm there....anyone have an o2 sensor wrench/socket they could bring along? I also need some input on which part to get...Charlies quoted me $150, and VIP(O'Reillys) quoted me about $145, but neither has them in stock....since I would have to wait, and money is a little tight, I was considering getting the Bosch "universal oxygen sensor" (part # 15730) which I can get off Amazon for $40, or from VIP for $50. How much of a difference/hassle is the "universal" sensor?? Is it worth the savings or should I really pay 3X as much to get the exact fitment??
ANOTHER question....Would anyone be able to dumb this wayyyyyyy down for me and tell me exactly what to bring (and show me what to do lol) to make the fog lights independent? Sorry for being so incredibly noobish, but this is why I'm so glad to be a new member of the Subaru community!!!