Sunroof Stuck Open

As a quick "see if it works to fix it", Find where the power is for the sunroof. Disconnect it for a little while. Re-connect and see what happens. I have a webasco that needs to be "re-booted" periodically.

At this point this is worth a try and will take 5 minutes or so.

mikey is a little busy at the moment with some things. also no way in heck im goin to weld my sunroof. I guess I will give portland custom a call tomorrow.. just goin to have to Rig it to keep dry until then.

so the motor not working or is the sunroof just stuck...pretty sure theres a plug to pull to manually close it, car should of came with a tool...still have the one from my rs.

I didn't have the tool for mine... but it's just an 8 or so mm allen wrench. And I have those. But that didn't work for me because the mechanism was jammed. It all depends what his problem is.


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