Terrible starting sound!


New member
so yesterday i woke up 2 no snow sun and -5 degree temps. i walked outsides to start my car for class, and when i turned her over it took about 10 rotations of the starter b4 she turned over then there was a horrible high pitch sound for about 20 seconds after cold starting then it stopped.

dose anyone have any ideas what that sound was and if its bad?



My car literally did the same exact thing. I just think it was just to damn cold out. I was thinking the squealing was the power steering.

most likely, PS pump get really stiff in cold, turning it over either makes the pump or its belt squawk for a few seconds, it'll quiet down once it warms up a tad. just don't rev the bejeejus out of the motor trying to quiet things down

Dude, its your power steering pump, mine does it too. Your old car didn't do that in below zero temps? Every one of my previous cars did this, it just sounds different, dryer in the sabaru. You should have heard mine yesterday when it was -20 with the wind blowing. I thought I was running a high speed drill through my firewall. Sounded so bad that if it was my old car I would have thought the oil pump or water pump froze up. Like a GAaaa,WAAAAHHHHHHHHNK! And then a dry wirring sound as the fluids start moving. Glad to know its not just me though.

Just a product of being crazy cold. Mine did the same with about 7-10 slowww cranks and finally fired up. I actually found it very hard to move the shifter until she ran and warmed up.

My legacy doesn't make any weird sounds when it's cold. It just needs a new temp sensor, because it runs bad and backfires when it's -10 out. My scangauge never reports temperatures less than 10.... So I'm assuming the temp sensor is bad, and when it's wicked cold it won't want to run.

I don't get any PS whine, hard to shift, etc. though.

Yeah, hard to shift thing happens to me too. I always assumed all cars where this way when its -5 or colder out because every car I have ever had was hard shifting, stiff clutched, slow throttle response and strange noises when cold. I alwsys let my car Idle to warm up for around 10 to 20 mins every super cold morning. It doesn't seem to burn much gas at Idle so at least there is that. The car can warm up the interior in 5 minutes most days but Im not so sure on days like the past few, I just give at least 5 minutes extra. Also, the strange noise when starting changed tones on me yesterday after I removed my foot from the clutch, so I assume it also has something to do with cold gear oil, and probably just cold fluids and metal in general. F-it, as long as it doesn't damage the car, I don't mind giving it an extra 5 minutes in the morning.

here's the skinny. if you were sound asleep on a nice 10 below mornin and somebody poked you with a key & told you to 'be ready for work in 5 minutes" wouldn't you complain a bit??!!

howlin PS pump, lumpy idle, moaning clutch, and don't forget the creaks in rattles getting started down the road. don't worry much tho, Scoobs are thoroughly winter engineered they can take it....tho they def appreciate a bit o warm-up first.

^ What Nigel Said. I will complain when it blows up. Until then I will just go easy on it when its this cold. Even if they are designed to take it, being hard on it in harsh operating conditions is probably just asking for problems. I don't want to end up with paint chipping off, hoses splitting, engine cutting out due to injesting Ice in to the fuel lines or the worst, a brittle stress/strain fracture due to extreme temperature metal fatigue.

I start my car at about 6:45 in the morning, then i go inside and eat my breakfast and drink my coffee (much needed at that hour) then make my lunch and pack it, then on go the boots and jacket and im out the door (7:10-7:15) and the tank (98 outback) is all warmed up and ready to gobble some highway to get to work

Same here. I give it a healthy dose of warm up and its happy.

Grumpy Power steering

Stiffer shifts




stiff struts

square tire.

All cars hate the cold. Best thing for them is not live in Maine, a heated garage, or lots of warm up. They feel much better at 70 degrees.

I start my car at about 6:45 in the morning, then i go inside and eat my breakfast and drink my coffee (much needed at that hour) then make my lunch and pack it, then on go the boots and jacket and im out the door (7:10-7:15) and the tank (98 outback) is all warmed up and ready to gobble some highway to get to work
6:45 I am already on the road man.

On below 0 mornings you should definately let your car warm up a couple of minutes. When I shift from rev to 1st the old auto takes a few seconds to shift into gear, after that no problems.


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