the golden rd.


slow hooning
The fiancé and I are gonna go for a bit of a ride on Sunday, was kinda thinking of going up to height of land then east on the golden. Anyone know the Golden's current conditions? Anyone else wanna go? There will be pics

I drive it frequently from Millinocket to McKay station, so I can only speak of the GR there (I did go to Pittston Farms once though, and that wasn't bad, but not what you're looking for), and some parts really suck, but it shouldn't be any worse than usual.

Whaddaya mean? Not what I'm looking for? Maybe those are just the parts I'm looking for! Lol! How's the old rail bed from Greenville down to Shirley Mills? I should be able to get my outback through there and maybe the cc rd. over to mosquito narrows......hummmmmm so many fantastic places to go in this great state of ours, so many fools never leave Portland and think Bangor is northern Maine. Lol I wonder if I cab get to Spencer rips on the Moose river in Attean township? Hummmmm.....

Haha, maybe they are!  They're great parts.  You can really rip out there since they grated a ton of it to dirt.  The other day, I had my WRX out there and some guy with Jersey plates was in his slammed Roush Mustang convertible.  So, if he took HIS vehicle out there, your Subi will be fine.  As far as the Greenville road is concerned, there's a fellow rafting company that drives to the river (Penobscot) and back that way each day, so that part can't be too horrible.  Just be careful!

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OK, so after getting home and consulting the great state of Maine road trip bible (the DeLorme Gazetteer). My original route seems kinda long and not really do able in just a day, Jackman to Pittston Farm, onto the GR to Millinocket. So, now I'm thinking Greenville for lunch, then down the old rail road bed road to Shirley, it'll depend on how big those giant puddles are just north of the Scott rd. Anyway,then out the cc rd. to the Shirley mulls rd. to lake moxie, then probably hike into moxie falls for a while, then to the Forks, and home. Anyone game for that ride? We will be leaving here at 7 on Sunday morning.

Its really rough in a car honestly.  You dont really see any other cars out there.  Might be better in an Outback though.  Its not scenic either, but it was a cool experience I guess.  We rented a cabin at Nesowadnehunk Lake a few weeks ago.      

Use to go camping out on chamberlain lake at nugents campground and we'd take the golden road all the way out to I think telos or something. It's been quite a few years but it was always a challenge due to the ruts and dust from the logging trucks.

Wow! You have all missed out! We're in Bingham now for lunch. Riding down 201 twords home. I can't get over how well our subie did across all the stuff we came across. Got a video of us going through a wash out that was pretty epic, scraped the bumper a little on the bottom. The old rail bed road from Greenville to Shirley was easy going, just slow for the bumps and a few puddles. The cc road got rougher and rougher as we went.

alright, so here goes. we left around 7 and made a stop at the Abbot bakery and got some skidder tires



got to indian hill around 9:30




went down to the boat docks in town for a bit and decided we weren't very hungry yet and that we should press on

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the rail bed road was fairly easy going and just a few pot holes till

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we got to the end and turned right to shirley village and stopped at the mill pond for a bit



we went out of the village to the west on the cc road, near where it turned to the shirley tote road, the road deteriorated quickly

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untill we came to this, we stood and looked at it quite a while before deciding to press though

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scraped her chin some, but all good, we continued on the shirley tote road and it started to open up some for us


notice we're starting to get a little dirty now


the road stayed pretty much just like this all the way to moxie, we stopped at the falls and walked in

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then continued down 201 to Bingham where we stopped for a little lunch at Thompson's, a little spendy but a very good mushroom swiss burger.


then a long boring pavement drive back to home


a little more mud in the wheel wells, and a bit dusty but none the worse for the wear.

not sure how to share tracks, but this link gets you there

there are three pages of it, we didn't just stop on the old rail bed LOL

wow i was mid edit to change the embed codes to view links and it says i don't have permission to edit this post, and all the edit buttons on all my posts are gone!

so here are the view links to the vids in the order they are above


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