The Official MS Bike Talk Thread - motors need not apply

I've been sick for the past week. My ride on Friday when I was sick sorta put me over the edge. Ugh. I hate being sick in the summer.

I like to mtb, but mostly do drop offs and jumps n stuff. I've built a few big hits and a couple table-tops of various sizes, so you can build up to the 8 footers, ( chris- you have been out to the pit where I keep my eg33, that's where the jumps are ). Lots of sandpit area and piles to do whatever with, old 20' pit walls with overhangs... mega fun, plenty of run out for landings. Oh and I just built a sick zip line that cruises over the pit where we ride.

Anyone here doing any of the EFTA races? I was looking forward to the season, but the first two race days seemed too crappy for me to want to go.

I've been biking off and on... 2 kids, work, etc makes it a wee bit difficult to squeeze in a ride. Finally got the road bike out this past weekend too.

For races... anyone doing the Carrabasset Valley Cycling Challenge? 25 & 50 miles options at the end of July. Also, the Bradbury 12 is in the middle of Sept. Easy course.

Rode this 37 pound puppy all last week when visiting my folks:


anybody ride around the bangor area? me and my good buddy ride three to four times a week, between orono trails, mt waldo, and the bangor bog. I know ski rack does rides but I'm wondering if any suby guys go out and hit the trails. I've seen a black STI with a roof rack and a bike on it before.

They're just really big mountain bike tires. 26"x3.8". Primarily designed as a snow bike & sand bike, it chews up the trail. Only downside (other than the weight) is that the Surly Larry tires kinda suck on mud. Need the Surly Endomorph tire.

The Gorham Bike & Ski wednesday night ride is TONITE! 6pm at Bradbury. Their email said there will be 2 groups, beginner & advanced.

The Gorham Bike & Ski wednesday night ride is TONITE! 6pm at Bradbury. Their email said there will be 2 groups, beginner & advanced.
How are the GBS rides? I haven't ridden with those guys.

Oh, I'll be B12in'. Not doing the CV races, but I am interested in the trail system up there. Have you found a online map?

Just took my road bike out for the first time this year. And I shouldn't be this worn out after 2.25 miles

Just took my road bike out for the first time this year. And I shouldn't be this worn out after 2.25 miles
The GBS ride was FAST. Not a whole lot of stopping & gabbing. Just riding. There's and A & B group so if you don't want to haul through the woods you can jump on the B group.

I don't believe they've posted a map for the CVCC race yet. Not sure they will since they're getting permission to run through private property. Would be nice to know what it looks like as I'm on the fence about running the single speed for it. Are you going to race the B12 solo?

had the road bike out on Saturday... 52 miler. I really enjoy mountain biking better.

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Probably a 2-3 person team for B12.

Have you been over to Millstone? I am getting reports that it's amazing.
Never been to Millstone. With the kids, it's hard to take a whole day to go mountain biking. I looked at the race there and it looks pretty good... but still, it's a bit of a haul.

I'm thinking about replacing my wheelset on the road bike... anyone interested in a lightly used set of Mavic Aksium road wheels? They're used but not abused. I don't race on 'em, beat 'em, etc. I just ride. Probably looking to get in the $175 range for the pair.


I have been to millstone touring center a few times. I like riding around the old quarries, seeing some old equipment, and the HUGE blocks of discarded granite.

For anyone thinking of going to NEFR, I've decided to throw caution to the wind and rent a downhill rig for the day on Sunday 7/17 and try out this "Sunday River" place I've heard about. Any and all are welcome. I'll need help carrying my dismembered corpse down the hill after the inevitable occurs.

Tell my wife I loved her, and that our daughter isn't hers.

hahaha! I had an invite last year to head to Sunday River to ride the downhill. Umm... no thanks.

I rode Clifford Park in Saco last nite... yeeeowwww! Technical rocky death defying... I've become so accustomed to riding Bradbury, SoPo/Cape, Rivertrail, etc that riding technical stuff was quite a challenge. Need to go back and practice.
