I think ammo prices are decreasing for .50 and .338Lapua.Kind of toying with the idea of a Noreen .50bmg............ Id have to sell my Tommy gun to do it, but that .50 is so much fun...
What length barrel? Does that fit in your pocket? Sock? Let me know where you're getting .38spl. I'm getting dangerously low.Picked this up today...
That G-10 looks fantastic! Where did you get them?My appendix carry rig and G10 grips
They are much better looking in person. I think the flash didn't do them justice. Made them look speckled. You can see a nice grain to them. They are VZ grips. Check them out. I have a set for my 1911 also. Very worth the money.That G-10 looks fantastic! Where did you get them?
The main reason is case prep. A lot easier with 6x45. Other reasons are ballistics, availability of 6mm/.243 projectiles, simple reloading with a lot of options.Why not just go 30 caliber? 300 blk!
6.8 is a very different round but there are some ARs out there in 6.8. You have to be careful with 6.8. There are now 3 different types of 6.8. 6.8spc, 6.8spcII (2), and the guy that created the original copied the II(2) and changed the shoulder and called is something else ...6.8somethingI don't have experience with the caliber in an ar, but my sister uses 6.8 spc (G2 contender) dropped her deer one shot last year. Very little recoil. A welding instructor had an ar set up in that caliber and said it stayed flat quite a ways out, he'd used it a few seasons.
Its that word "military" that messed you all up. If you used heavy Hornady or Nosler BTHP you could have gone sub half inch.The Armalite is still a way better rifle, but the DPMS really shined! My first shot was WAY off.... (Ive never played with a 1.5# trigger before) 50 yds: 2 shots one hole. 100yds: 2 shots, 1" apart. 200 yds- (with the sun shining in from the direct right, and reflecting off my glasses, laying in the sand with shorts and a t shirt, earmuffs hitting the stock- really comfortable) 2 shots 1" group. grass was too tall for 3 and 400 yards, but hes supposed to mow it today. the 500 yard shot might have been doable, but it was 7:45pm and my 1 hour shooting trip had gone over 3 hours so far... and walking 500 yards back and forth to mark hits sucks.