The unofficial GUN talk thread

$18 for a brick of 22lr? HOLY HELL!!! When did it go up? lol Last I knew, they were only $9 at walmart....

Got a cool cert the other day. Anyone else on here ever gotten this:


The federals were 18, winchester was 15. Either way its all I can afford to shoot. .243 270, 30-30 and 30-06 all went up too

Mighty, why dont you like Rugers? Say it! This is the gun forum. I'm a bit of a Ruger fan. I like the P-series, SRs, 1911. I'm secretly saving for a SR or smith M&P, shhhhhh dont tell my wife. I'll probably shoot the entire uspsa season with my p95 unless a miracle happens and I can fall down on a few hundred bucks for the M&P or SR9/40.

Do you have 5 magazines, 4 mag holders, and a kydex holster that covers the trigger completely? If you do you might as well shoot the match with me. Next one is saturday march 25th or whatever that saturday is

Do you have 5 magazines, 4 mag holders, and a kydex holster that covers the trigger completely? If you do you might as well shoot the match with me. Next one is saturday march 25th or whatever that saturday is
That's all you need? I'm really to go.

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I have 5 mags, no holders, and only an IWB holster. but I could probably get the rest put together by then. Do you have the holster specs? as in passive or active retention?

Mighty, why dont you like Rugers? Say it! This is the gun forum. I'm a bit of a Ruger fan.
I've shot some of theirs and really disliked them. I don't like how they sit in my hand, I don't like how they feel (they feel cheap and like they would fall apart). I haven't had good luck shooting them. Some people have and like them. Kind of like a hi-point or something. Sometimes it is a dud, sometimes it works beautifully. Maybe I just had a bad experience, but it's just that they feel cheap and seem to shoot like it. Their revolvers on the other hand, I LOVE them and own one. I've shot some hopped up 44s in one that I wouldn't really have trusted in pretty well anything else.

Low blow on the Hi-Point thing Matt. I agree that the trigger could use some improvement, but other than that it is rock solid. Around 4000 rounds in mine and only two failures (squib with an eject failure, and bad primer this weekend).

A buddy of mine has a hi point and loves it. All the rugers ive had have been great ( 2 mkii targets, lc9 sr9c and now sr22) all have functioned well and fit me good, but I've had poor luck with glock. a lot of it has to do with fit to your hand and proper maintenance if they were acquired used.

Do you have 5 magazines, 4 mag holders, and a kydex holster that covers the trigger completely? If you do you might as well shoot the match with me. Next one is saturday march 25th or whatever that saturday is
Borrow my Glock 17 sometime if you want. I have mags and a Blackhawk Serpa Holster. You'll just need your own mag holders.

A buddy of mine has a hi point and loves it. All the rugers ive had have been great ( 2 mkii targets, lc9 sr9c and now sr22) all have functioned well and fit me good, but I've had poor luck with glock. a lot of it has to do with fit to your hand and proper maintenance if they were acquired used.
Oops... Forgot about my MKII.... haha I love that. It's a totally different animal than their 9s though.

Trying out my Plum Crazy lower tomorrow. It's definitely lighter than a standard lower, but that comes at the price of being composite. Composite everything in it pretty much. There's springs and the buffer and the lock ring for the buffer and the rest lacks metal. It fits perfectly to a mil spec upper though and we will see how it works tomorrow.

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Borrow my Glock 17 sometime if you want. I have mags and a Blackhawk Serpa Holster. You'll just need your own mag holders.
Wish I could Nate. Me and Glock don't fit together very well. I was suggesting to Pedro that he should shoot the match with me next time. Nate, since your 17 is all set up (except you need to hold 4 mags on your belt) you should shoot the match also. Just pick up a couple generic kydex/plastic mag holders. I have the Blackhawks, they do the job.I dont need to borrow anything I already shot the match last weekend. I got 1st place in Production/Minor.
8th overall...out of 10 cough cough

Next match Saturday March 25th. Nate you want to shoot it? Anyone? Mighty? Pedro? Everyone used Ultramax reloads or hand loads their lead round nose.

20 bucks. Dont need to be a member but eventually you'll want you to be a USPSA member so the qualifier stage gets you upped for nationwide ranking and you'll get into out of state matches easier, like the 3 gun stuff in Nude Hampster. I'm not a member but plan on joining uspsa sometime this month.

Today I got more 9mm lead from Midway, and a Pmag, and a cheek rest for the Saiga. That thing is getting to be pretty badas$. Stupid Midway, how dare they have everything I want!?!?!

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