The unofficial GUN talk thread

Tried my lower. It's pretty well all composite aside from the springs, buffer and the little pin that holds the buffer in place. Worked beautifully. The trigger is SWEET! 0 creep. light but comfortable pull. Blasted off about 120 rounds with my old man's borrowed upper. Apparently the sight needs to be adjusted since it was hitting about 4-5 inches left for both my buddy and I at 45-50 yards. If we are both hitting exactly the same spot...I'm positive that it's not just me! haha But since it's not mine, I'll let my old man deal with it.

Also, Inski, I will have to grab a couple more mags and a new mag holster. I had 4 mags but for some reason I'm missing two. Have been for a couple years. I think the sock gremlins in the dryer came out and stole them. Then I will go out shooting with you. I shoot in the major power though. Aint no wimpy loads up in here! haha

Question for the AR guys: If I remove the front iron sight/gas block will I need to sight it back in or do the pins force it back into the same place? Looking to put a free float handguard on at some point so I've been researching how to take everything apart. I know if I go freefloat I will probably use a low profile gas block and a flip up sight, but was curious in case I tried to get the pins out beforehand.

Just wait till you have a free float handguard. Why do the job twice. I would think you might need to adjust sights after pulling and re-installing any any sights.

You'll be close. Although, its fun re-sighting in even if you don't need to.
I'm constantly sighting in stuff because I'm always switch around bullet weights, scopes, and sights trying to figure out what works the way I like it. I'm also thinking about a free floater. The Hogue free float and Hogue pistol grip.

Mighty, next indoor match is 24th in Augusta. My son is loading me some .356 dia 9mm so maybe I wont keyhole anymore. One or two out of ten shots were hitting sideways. The stuff I was shooting was home cast (not by me) .353 dia 9mm. Hopefully the .356 will help.

Mighty, next indoor match is 24th in Augusta. My son is loading me some .356 dia 9mm so maybe I wont keyhole anymore. One or two out of ten shots were hitting sideways. The stuff I was shooting was home cast (not by me) .353 dia 9mm. Hopefully the .356 will help.
ewe... .353 is too small. it's .355 for a 9mm with lead, it's alright to be a thousandth bigger. Hell, most 223 bullets you buy for reloading are actually .224. I don't have any lead 40s and I couldn't get the lead bullets to work in my 357 sig too well so indoor is not happening. I have a case (about 900 now) of lead bullets (.355) that I'd be willing to part with for cheap if you wanted. They have a flat nose. I'll take some pics next time I'm up in the area. They are at my rents with the rest of my reloading supplies.

does anyone find it amusing that pre-ban means the same thing as post-post-ban?? I called something 'post-ban' the other day while talking to my friend and while he knew I meant, post-post-ban, it's easier to just say pre-ban. Both are annoying. like having a bayonet on your gun makes is more dangerous... well... now that I think about it, knives are a lot more dangerous. I have cut myself a whole mess of times pretty seriously. Some while not really being responsible with knives and other times while using the blade correctly. On the other hand, I have never hurt myself with a firearm. I don't plan on it either. With a couple safety steps, 'accidents' are avoidable too. I just can't say that about knives. Maybe we need to outlaw all knives... yeah... that's more like it. I think I'm on to something here. I'm calling Olympia Snow and leaving a message tonight!

My latest purchase, just got done taking it apart, fiddling with the innards, and putting it back together... and am definately in no way up to anything nefarious.


Well, with a home purchase hopefully somewhere in my near future, I've decided I would like to work on my shoosting skills. I found this deal on LivingSocial which I believe can be applied toward a concealed weapons permit. Seems like a good deal. I thought I'd plop it here for anyone was interested (and also because if three of you purchase through my link, I'll get mine free
). Here's the deal:

And I look forward to joining into the conversation on this thread, as I know next to nothing about firearms.

Is that the Scarborough fish and game place? I took my course there. It was ok. But be sure to read the laws yourself if they have a cop explain them rather than a lawyer. It was a bit less than correct at times.

My latest purchase, just got done taking it apart, fiddling with the innards, and putting it back together... and am definately in no way up to anything nefarious.

Jeez Ty! Be careful with that thing! Looks dangerous as hell!

You should. Its important stuff. That way you'll be covered and the system is covered incase you end up in court after bussin a cap in someone's a$s.

I just got back from my Uncle's shop again. Came home with a promag 20 round drum mag for the Saiga 12,and 2 P mags for the ARs...the P mags have solved the feed issue with the new M4! So I got a brand new -6 shots fired Bushmaster M4 with nothing wrong with it(other than it dislikes my old beat up aluminum mags) for $600. The PO had the same mags that I do,my guess is that the followers are tilting,and casing the FTF. Then on the way home,seeing that Manchester is right on the way,we stopped at the fireworks store. Unreal! What a store! Its expensive,but I got to buy 5 roman candles,50 m-150s,and a few hundred blackcats for around 15 bucks. Tonight should be fun. Beer,Jim Beam,and fireworks! Plus my Spikes 37mm rail mount launcher is on its way...

I've got my eye on an Aimpoint M2 for $450, sound like a decent price? All the optics for these damn things are expensive. Also got a 10" Midwest Industries freefloat and low profile gas block on it's way, followed by magpul flip up sights. And as soon as I figure out what I want to do for ammo, 500 rounds of that will be on order as well. Any suggestions? Im thinking either 55 grain or 62, whichever is most common. 1:7 twist.

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as in d. Eagle? I heard they are rather picky on what they shoot.. Big turn off seeing as how expensive they are.


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