The unofficial GUN talk thread

Where would be the best local place to go if I was looking at getting an upper (lacking bcg and charging handle) for an ar? Cheaperthandirt is out of stock on like all uppers..

Also, the Lewiston show is next weekend at the Armory.

Where are people skeek shooting these days
My son and I go to the public range in Fryburg. Theres a nice spot on the powerlines near my house but the lumber company is in there right now cutting. Might be a good spot once things dry out. We have a sit-on mechanical thrower that just barely fits in my car. Works pretty good and throws doubles. I've stock piled a few birds and shells this winter. Dat chit is da bomb!

Almost forgot. A couple of us at EG might be going to Richmond for sporting clays this spring. If we ever get over there I'll report on the fun.

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as in d. Eagle? I heard they are rather picky on what they shoot.. Big turn off seeing as how expensive they are.
Mine has shot everything Ive tried,from soft point hunting garbage,to the 350gr hollow points that I usually run. My only problem with it being slow,is getting it back on target,it lifts a little more than my will actually fire quite fast,if you can hold it down. Were going to have a shoot off today,the .50 vs my buddies .44 raging bull,should be fun. I have some 1/2 inch steel swinging plates set up at 30 yds. The wife is going to try out the .44,should be interesting as well....

Well,the shoot off is over. We got a .357 down there as well. Im down a hand,so I had to shoot lefty. (broken knuckle on my right thumb,with a chunk of bone floating around in friday we hope. got to love workers comp doctors.)The .50 won the granite breaking competition,while the .357 got most comfortable. The .44 won the best intermediate size handgun award.

Well,the shoot off is over. We got a .357 down there as well. Im down a hand,so I had to shoot lefty. (broken knuckle on my right thumb,with a chunk of bone floating around in friday we hope. got to love workers comp doctors.)The .50 won the granite breaking competition,while the .357 got most comfortable. The .44 won the best intermediate size handgun award.

lmao. I am sure I could have guessed the outcome of this just from knowing what was going to be participating! That sucks about your hand. Keep us posted. I just read an article last night about a FN five-seven that shot the last round 'out of battery' and ripped this guy's hand open. Let me see if I can find the link.

It's nuts:

That's what you reminded me of when you said your thumb was messed up. Yet another reason why the five-seven sounds cool,I wanted one before, but definitely will take a pass on one now.

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Wow,I had a five seven pistol and the AR with the horizontal mag,never had 1 problem,other than ammo being ridiculously priced. Im in the market for a .357,.44 or the fairly rare .440 cor-bon setup for the desert eagle. I can get the .50 in a Hornady 300gr JHP for $25 a box shipped,but I have different sources than most for this stuff. I can get ammo VERY reasonable,and usually can get people a discount with my uncle at his shop. Im sure a Mainely Subarus discount could be applied... Ive got my eye on a Noreen .50bmg right now,but 2 mins ago got a quote for my garage,I do the concrete,the materials for the shell will be $6000 for a 24x32 2.5 bay. Seems more of a need than another big bore rifle. But who knows?

Well, the round detonated out of battery. That's for sure. Not sure if it slam fired or fired because he pulled the trigger. There has been issues with reloads not resizing the case back down and it causes it to not fully seat in the chamber it seems too. Sooo that's really all I know about it. I did notice a little tid bit in there though. A guy was claiming that 45,000 psi for this round is the highest standard pistol case pressure... My 357 sig is up around 65,000 so he failed on that by a long shot.

If you set a date for pouring the garage, let me know. I am willing to help as long as I am able to. I have poured a LOT of concrete. I'm not inclined to do any bull-floating or troweling because it's someone else's project, but I am always game for doing the heavy work.

something funny just showed my post, then didnt, then did,hmmm

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Was just wondering if anyone would be interested in my M1 Carbine? Its a winchester from june 1944. Its in great shape with a shiny barrel and fires well. It comes with 7 15rd mags, and about 100-150 assorted rounds. Not really sure how much im looking to get for it, just seeing if theres any interest in it at the moment. Just let me know.

I paid $700 for it at the begining of last year and with the mags, sling, buttstock mag pouch, and ammo id at least like to get what I paid for the rifle.


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