The unofficial GUN talk thread

I think you'll be ok after some practice. Theres plenty of shorty 45s out there. Lots of 1911s, the Glock, and now the new single stack Springfield XD45 for concealment. The writers that wrote up the new Springfield mentioned it was a bit more snappy but still controllable. Not unreasonable to get back on target. I suspect the Glock is similar. Plus with .45acp you'll only need one bullet.

It might be worth calling G3 in Turner or your favorite dealer and see if you can try the G30 or G36.

I think you'll be ok after some practice. Theres plenty of shorty 45s out there. Lots of 1911s, the Glock, and now the new single stack Springfield XD45 for concealment. The writers that wrote up the new Springfield mentioned it was a bit more snappy but still controllable. Not unreasonable to get back on target. I suspect the Glock is similar. Plus with .45acp you'll only need one bullet.

It might be worth calling G3 in Turner or your favorite dealer and see if you can try the G30 or G36.
Thanks, northeastern has both right now I might have to take a drive down.
Go see Nick at Northeastern, and tell him Nate sent you. I played with his G36 just the other day. Sexy!

Thanks Pedro, I forgot about them. That would be great if you could do that but dont bother if you have stuff going on.

Hell yeah! Nice one Nate! Nice one. I know the Enhanced is more. But what exactly does it feature? The regular R1s are pretty sweet themselves.
sorry I missed this. The drop of support on IE kills me if I try to check from work (mandated IE only). I'll swing through next week to see what they have. send me a PM and let me know what your price range is and any specs you are looking for on the barrel.

I did another USPSA pistol match Saturday and did a IDPA 3 gun match Sunday in NH. Found out IDPA is very different than USPSA. I did crappy at the pistol match. I did pretty good at the 3 gun despite being slow I was hitting stuff well enough to be competitive. I got a bunch of IDPA procedural penalties like engaging stuff out of order. Guess I'll have to do the IDPA beginners thing at Scarborough sometime this summer. I've confirmed my weakness is still pistol shooting, which seems to be most Mainers' dilema being that we've all grown up with long guns. I know shooting a long barrel striker fired pistol (ie Ruger SR9, Glock 17, S&W M&P9) will improve my performance but that's not in the cards right now. I keep telling myself once I can shoot the P95 well I'll make the move to something higher up the food chain. The Ruger P95 has definitely earned its keep with reliability. Its only malfunctioned once or twice while using someone else's reloads. Never malfunctioned using my loads or factory loads. The 3 guns; Rem 870 bone stock with a Rem 18" tube extension, Spike's Tactical AR15 bone stock with Magpul Mbus rear sight, and the Ruger P95 bone stock.

Dumb,lazy,I dont want to do research question. In a 3 gun comp,does the shotgun have to be a pump? Id love to try it,but I like my Saiga more than my FN pump. My buddy uses an old military trench pump gun(he has 2,he sucks),plus an AR and a Glock,but ive never thought to ask him about the rules. I might have to give this a try.

The place I went did not allow magazine fed (saiga) shot guns. Pump or Semi is good. Semi is a lot faster and more competitive. You're good to go with any tube feed 5+1. You can get by with a 4+1. Look up IDPA rules, practice them, then learn and practice the IDPA 3 Gun rules. Out west they use 3 Gun Nation rules. USPSA and IDPA safe drawing and holstering are similar. Most of the shotgun targets are pretty close range so any trench gun is good enough. The extended tube is a huge plus.

If you've never done firearm competition I suggest taking the IDPA beginners clinic in Scarborough on the 29th. It will help you a metric TON!

For $345-ish you can get a brand new Ruger P95 9mm with 2 stainless mags at Cabelas. Also you can get a new Smith & Wesson Sigma 9mm for $325-ish. I like the Ruger. The Sigma feels cheezy to me, might be different for you. For $410 you can get a S&W SD9. Much better than the Sigma.

in the $350-$450 range you're now into a lot of nice stuff new or used. Glocks, S&W M&P, Ruger SR9, CZ75, CZ P06, Some Sigs, some 1911s, Walther. Shop around.

I'm not selling my set up because every time I get ready for an upgrade with some cash saved my wife needs to pay bills.
pretty frustrated after the third time.

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For $345-ish you can get a brand new Ruger P95 9mm with 2 stainless mags at Cabelas. Also you can get a new Smith & Wesson Sigma 9mm for $325-ish. I like the Ruger. The Sigma feels cheezy to me, might be different for you. For $410 you can get a S&W SD9. Much better than the Sigma.

in the $350-$450 range you're now into a lot of nice stuff new or used. Glocks, S&W M&P, Ruger SR9, CZ75, CZ P06, Some Sigs, some 1911s, Walther. Shop around.

I'm not selling my set up because every time I get ready for an upgrade with some cash saved my wife needs to pay bills.
pretty frustrated after the third time.
I'm goin head to grey today see what he has do you think 380 decent carry ?
Kind of last minute,but a few of us are going to go do some shooting in Litchfield this afternoon...around 5-6ish if the weather holds out..on Plains Rd,right across from the fairgrounds....long dirt road,go as far as you can see from the road,then a little bit more. youll see the cars then. We have 300 yds marked out ready to go.

I'm goin head to grey today see what he has do you think 380 decent carry ?
some people will bash the .380 as a self defense caliber. it's just a shortened 9mm, with less power, but the ruger lcp in .380 is a sweet gun. and I wont bash the .380, I'm back to carrying a .22 with stingers

some people will bash the .380 as a self defense caliber. it's just a shortened 9mm, with less power, but the ruger lcp in .380 is a sweet gun. and I wont bash the .380, I'm back to carrying a .22 with stingers
for a 380, if it is the average person just trying to mug you or attack you or something, that will work. For someone hopped up on drugs, you will more than likely be underpowered. If they have a heavy jacket on or multiple layers, you will probably be screwed if they are intent upon getting you. If you're a good shot and cool under pressure, you can drop someone with one though. I like to go with something with a little more... umm.. power. I carry a 357 Sig for personal protection. It will take someone down.

I kinda in a spot, I want something I can shoot for sport but also something that is concealable... and don't feel like a cannon in my back especially now that summer is here and I dont wear a coat..

I just picked up a Nodak spud receiver for the MAK-90..its all mocked up,couple holes will have to change,because of the MAK front end and standard AK stock hybrid configuration,now I need to pick up a bolt kit,and get it all bolted together to test fire it,before a final blasting and duracoat....Also,hopefully traded my MP-45 and my old Jungle carbine for a Colt 1911 with some work done-barrel,comp,trigger job etc..,and a Navy Arms 45/70 enfield scout rifle....He's putting my stuff on Gunbroker,if they get enough $$$,Ill have the new toys end of the week,if not,Ill add some cash,and get them next week...

I kinda in a spot, I want something I can shoot for sport but also something that is concealable... and don't feel like a cannon in my back especially now that summer is here and I dont wear a coat..
I am FAR from an expert, but I suggest looking at...... Smith&Wesson M&Pc, Springfield XDc, if you can find one maybe the new Smith M&P Shield. I don't know the models, but there are a couple of smallish Glocks also.


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