The unofficial GUN talk thread

Got a deer last night, first one with a bow. 92lb doe. Rage 2 blade chisel tip frigged her right up, busted ribs and everything, but also tweaked where the head threads on to the arrow. But I was super excited to get one.

OK, thoughts on a 7.62x39 upper for my new Stag lower?  I have yet to see one, and have read lots of badness before. Now I hear they are getting a lot better. (Nate, feel free to let me know what you think asap!!) I have AK ammo coming out my ears, but very little .223

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My quick thoughts.. It's it doable, yes, is it reliable, ehhh.....

Basically the reason companies struggle to make a reliable 7.62x39 AR15 is because of the shape of the casing. Looking at x39 vs 223 you will notice the large amount of taper to the x39 round. This requires a magazine that is curved... (ak 30 round "banana" magazine). Now look at 223. Straight casing gets a almost straight 30 round Pmag.

Now mix the two.... the tapered x39 round has trouble feeding through a straight magwell, and needs special attention to the feed ramps in the upper. If not expect failures. Also x39 specific AR15 magazines are not overly reliable. Thus enhancing your problem.

My thoughts are yes do it. But do it using a MGI Hydra lower. This lower has easy change magwells. And you can swap to a magwell that accepts all AK47 steel mags.

Or buy the upper now, run it on your stag, if you think it's unreliable, build the HYDRA lower. And you'll have 2 guns.

Ive been looking at those Hydras for a while now.  Might have to have one. It would save money in ammo for sure. Saving money= Justified.

That's the same lower I speak of... the hydra has the ability to swap magwells out on the same lower. New magwells run $200... But it's much cheaper than building new lowers for every caliber.

9mm upper, swap the magwell and go... 7.62x39 upper, swap the magwell and go....

With the ability to build my own uppers, I see a hydra lower being built into a pistol form eventually for me.

Can't go wrong with that!  Perfect creature rifle.  This year I'm sportin the Winchester .357 carbine for deer hunting.  Oh yes I am!

Nate, I have some new in the package items for you.  Just have to get my ass over there.  

Bought expanded tags today. hoping to get at least one more deer. Guy I work with lives in the expanded zone in auburn, just 5 minutes from work. Have all next week off and can go till almost Christmas

Im pretty sure I have traded away a few of my black rifles for something really ridiculous. 1979 Sedan DeVille on 22 inch Daytons and airbags. hahaha  If it happens Ill throw some pics up tomorrow. Guess I might need to buy the MGI Hydra now.

Matt... I still can't for the life of me understand the problems with your 870. It's a pump gun. Ammo picky, and pump shotgun don't go in the same sentence.

If you're having issues still with shells getting suck in the chamber, I would think the chamber is a bit tight/dirty. Pull the barrel, wrap a 12 gauge brush with some 00 steel wool and Flitz polish and go to town with a drill I'm the chamber. You won't hurt anything. Some polishing, cleaning, and lube should help you out.

I don't get it either. A friend had a870 3-1/2" Turkey gun that did the same thing on the same ammo (we swapped while shooting trap) mine ran great on Winchester and federal, hates reloads and factory Remington low brass. I've contemplated buying an 18" barrel in cylinder bore and trying that

Low brass could be the culprit.. but typically anything will work in these guns. Low brass will have a tendency to expand in the chamber, locking itself in there. But I've shot low brass out of my 870's. I have 3 different barrels, or bring me some of the low brass for me to try. I've got thousands of rounds down between my two.. never a malfunction...... ever.

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I don't have any left that was acting up. Was Remington #8 shot bulk from wallet world. I have a metric crap ton of 3in 00 I can try running some day I feel like wrecking my shoulder

Run it and get back to me. I'll be interested to hear the results.

Or..... I'll buy it off you for $300.

Might be a while before I do anything with it. Dedicating most of my free time to chasing city deer until expanded season runs out, then it's pretty much plow snow

I've got an 18" you can borrow sometime.  Someday I'm going to have Paul at Northeastern cut some choke threads for it.


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