The XV Crosstrek Club


The Eco Man
I know, I know it`s going to be a lonely club.

My main goal is to get double Carters avg. mpg.

I am all alone here. Good thing I joined XV Crosstrek Forums .com where I am one of 2500+ XV`s from all around the world.

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I parked next to a dark grey one with temp plates at walmart in biddo tonight... It was pretty sick! First one i have seen up close...

i see a hand full every day on my commute. there is a gray one, a black one and the orange one. i didnt know how i felt about the orange color at first, but i have to say that it has definitely grown on me. Oh, and i love the wheels.

The tan looks pretty nice too. I'm still toying with the idea of trading my foz and imp for one

I guess once a postwhore always a postwhore. The XV Croosstrek site has been up for over a year and has almost 2700 members. I have been on for less than a month and I am already #66 in post

My best gas mileage was achieved last week. 435 miles 12.8 gallons = 34 mpg. This includes a 195 mile trip around the White Mts.

More good news I am not alone any more. We have another XV member.


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