thoughts on fluid film?


Well-known member
Anyone have first-hand experience with the stuff? What I've been reading makes it seem pretty good. supposed to creep in hard to reach places and stay damp. Kind of penetrant and waxy, self healing if it gets gouged. They claim a gallon will do 3 vehicles, last a year, and it's $20a gallon cheaper than a gallon of undercoating

I think the dodge dealer in Brunswick does it for $200. They pressure wash the underside and then spray it. I plan on having it done for this winter. Not 100% positive on the price.

I plan to do it myself, have access to a lift certain weekends. Acquired a body Schultz type gun with cans, plan to buy a gallon and give it to'er. Unless someone has a bad experience with the stuff

I sprayed my coil overs with it . Works well don't get it on factory undercoating it seems to melt it

That's good to know, so I'll just do frame and suspension. It says it won't hurt paint though. Frig it I'll just be careful

Update on this if anyoneis interested. Know there was discussion on fb page some time back. This will be my 22 month update. First application took a half gallon. Had ordered the gallon from o'reilly for around 50, sprayed everything under the truck that wasn't aluminum or got hot. Even dropped the spare and coated the steely. There is a lot more real estate under that fronty than there was my imp. Fluid film stayed everywhere through the first winter, end of this winter i could see places where the tire spray had taken it off. Between Sandy slush and mud season places on the frame had nothing left. Reapplied it today, only used a quart doing all the frame, rear end/ springs, front suspensionn inner rockers and trailer hitch. Everywhere i had applied it that wasn't affected by Tire spray it was still there. I had just a couple places showing small amounts or rust where I'd either jacked on the frame or had rocks from the tire hit it. I'm going to start doing yearly applications. Guy i work worth had his gmc done in 13 and just used 3 rattlecans to just do the frame. Its definitely more cost effective to buy by the gallon and use an undercoat gun. I like this stuff enough I've been working on my employer to start using on our trucks ( gaining)

With jameys comment about factory undercoat, didn't affect mine at all. Does say it doesn't like natural rubber so maybe Subaru and nissan use different stuff. Going to spray my girls imp before winter too

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Topsham uses it on all their school buses and I'm seeing it more and more on all the trucks I service

It's good stuff. Kyle (injulen) does this stuff on anyone's vehicle, way cheaper than any garage offers it.

I plan to use fluid film or POR15 on my blue Impreza, I'd be interested to see how fluid film holds up.

The guy i work with got his truck done for a hundred, i only had 75 invested and used half the stuff.certainly inexpensive, and i used to have to reapply rubberized undercoat yearly at the same cost, but this won't trap moisture

Bump. I now know of a certain municipality using this on all their new trucks. After a winter of plowing/ sanding/ salting around the clock during storms and delayed wash downs after. Almost all the fluid film is still there. Makes it hard to find hydraulic leaks though. No real noticeable corrosion, even in the 2 f450's that had some of it washed off with the pressure washer


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