Jump on it? It takes me just leaning on it. Now if they have been apart recently I can usually smack the contol arm with a hammer and its apart.I put my big-ass pry-bar between the control arm and the knuckle. And jump on it. That usually pops them out.
Your car is 6 years newer than mine. I assume on the Legacy it wouldn't fight as bad.Jump on it? It takes me just leaning on it. Now if they have been apart recently I can usually smack the contol arm with a hammer and its apart.
I have NEVER heard of anything about not using an impact on an axle nut. In fact, it's the way I have always done it. It can't really do anything to the bearing unless it wasn't tight enough. I have never had an issue from tightening an axle nut and I have tightened hundreds at this point. Never had any pulling, and no failed bearings. The hub tightens against the bearing race, so unless you are using an impact meant for big trucks or something, you should never have to worry about that.
Chris is completely right. The axle nut would give way before the bearing was over tightened.You'd probably strip the axle nut out before you got it so tight you deformed the bearings enough to cause a problem.