Top speed of my car?

you guys are talking exceptionally serious sheet here...just so you know

at 140 mph, you are traveling 205 feet per second

typical reaction time is 1.5 if a tire blows or a deer jumps out, you'll travel the length of a football field BEFORE you even react

braking dist from 140 mph is 700-800 feet minimum--and THAT number only starts once you've reacted.

SO, that deer jumps out, you have just started to swerve and stomp the binders 300-400 feet later, and are going maybe 70 when you smack it.

neither of you had a chance.

try to remember this stuff while you are bragging about top speed runs on public roads, OK!!

you guys are talking exceptionally serious sheet here...just so you know

at 140 mph, you are traveling 205 feet per second

typical reaction time is 1.5 if a tire blows or a deer jumps out, you'll travel the length of a football field BEFORE you even react

braking dist from 140 mph is 700-800 feet minimum--and THAT number only starts once you've reacted.

SO, that deer jumps out, you have just started to swerve and stomp the binders 300-400 feet later, and are going maybe 70 when you smack it.

neither of you had a chance.

try to remember this stuff while you are bragging about top speed runs on public roads, OK!!

you guys are talking exceptionally serious sheet here...just so you know

at 140 mph, you are traveling 205 feet per second

typical reaction time is 1.5 if a tire blows or a deer jumps out, you'll travel the length of a football field BEFORE you even react

braking dist from 140 mph is 700-800 feet minimum--and THAT number only starts once you've reacted.

SO, that deer jumps out, you have just started to swerve and stomp the binders 300-400 feet later, and are going maybe 70 when you smack it.

neither of you had a chance.

try to remember this stuff while you are bragging about top speed runs on public roads, OK!!
+1 The last time i went well into triple digit speeds i was still a teenager. :

...and another couple questions...kind of key ones!

before you sought out the Magic 140, when was the last time you...

..checked your tires, I mean pulled all 4 off and really inspected them for cuts or bulges on both sidewalls and ALL around the tread?

because at 140 mph, a WRX tire is spinning at just shy of 2000 rpm, so...if you had a cut or bulged tire, that damaged place hit the pavement 1000 times in the 30 sec you were topped out.

...when was last time you checked tire pressures? at 140 mph a 10-lb pressure difference side-to-side is more than enough to cause the light steering and handling weirdnesses that some are so ready to blame a wagon shape for.

think about it.

PS--terminal velocity for a WRX jumped off a C-130 at altitude is approx 137 mph.

Not that it makes it right, but I do check my pressures regularly, the tires were pretty new, I was the ONLY one on the road as it was 1:30am, guard rails on both sides of the highway for miles and it was quite the straight away.

I know it was wrong, and would have told the officer that I was wrong all the was to the crowbar hotel...

It was nuts and it appears even more so the way you put it. But DAMN was it a rush!

It felt pretty darn stable considering, but the wind noise was wicked!

since we're throwing statisics out there, I bet a lot more people have crashed doing the speed limit than people have crashed doing 140mph. :

Don't misunderstand here

I ain't saying simply dont do it

Just saying if you do, use yer brains before engaging the gonads 8)

true story....a lawyer bud of mine got one of the first WRXs in town. he collected a couple tickets early on, nothing major. then he got one for going like 128 on I95. I was like, "what were you thinking! you have a law practice and a family!"

he said "what I was thinking was, 'jeez I better slow down' and I already had, and then they got me!!" :

...and another couple questions...kind of key ones!

before you sought out the Magic 140, when was the last time you...

..checked your tires, I mean pulled all 4 off and really inspected them for cuts or bulges on both sidewalls and ALL around the tread?

because at 140 mph, a WRX tire is spinning at just shy of 2000 rpm, so...if you had a cut or bulged tire, that damaged place hit the pavement 1000 times in the 30 sec you were topped out.

...when was last time you checked tire pressures? at 140 mph a 10-lb pressure difference side-to-side is more than enough to cause the light steering and handling weirdnesses that some are so ready to blame a wagon shape for.

think about it.

PS--terminal velocity for a WRX jumped off a C-130 at altitude is approx 137 mph.
So in theroy a wrx can go faster across land than it can falling... that sounds like an awesome Mythbusters episode.

I have had my car over 140 many times and ive tested the braking, handling, and reactions times and it may just be me being crazy but it feels pretty damn safe for the most part. At least to me. :violent5:


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