Trailer light issues


Well-known member
Since I put on my hitch and installed the wiring, I've had issues with the flashers on any trailer I've pulled. Brake lights are ok , one turn signal (either one) hardly lights up before it goes out, and hazards are pretty much worthless. I read in the instal instructions a heavy duty flasher may be required, but I can't find one. A couple people swear it's a ground issue but the wiring used the factory trailer wiring plug in the trunk, and I even added another ground. All the market lights are fine as well, any thoughts?

Double grounded bub, might just buy led assemblies since they are brighter and quicker, plus hardly use any powah

Ground issues can cause really wierd symtoms. It's most likely in the trailer if you are using the factory plug

Another thought, the kit had come with a powered taillight converter, which crapped out as soon as I plugged it in, replaced with the only one napa had, which wasnt powered, getting the plug tested later to see what it's getting for juice, might just buy the subaru wiring & see what that does

So, bought a multi meter (finally) and discovered the following: voltages are the same from the factory plug to the trailer plug, all 3 methods of the trailer grounding the car are ok (4 prong plug, 2 prong I added for work lights, and the hitch). Bought new led fixtures that work great right off the plug, so my issue it's either cheap fixtures came on the trailer or baD wiring. I'd have everything wrapped up if the trailer was at my apartment

It sounds like you have it solved, but check (remove-clean-reconnect) the ground wire between the plug on the trailer and the trailer frame. Also, I am assuming there are ground wires connecting the trailer frame to the light assemblies. Check those as well.

It really does sound like a ground problem.

I agree converting trailer to LEDs could help lower electrical load if you still have future issues especially if not running powered convertor box. And on my crappy old trailer making an additional trailer chassis ground for backup helped.

I'll have a final answer tonight, and I have 3 paths to ground from trailer to car

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I got a cheap LED set from Wallyworld and they are amazing. I had issues with my old set due to things chafing and being worn through I think. AKA:really old and annoying. Now, the lights work beautifully which is good since I spent a couple weeks on this trailer replacing the planking and sandblasting/wire brushing the entire thing and welding in the million holes the PO had drilled in it. It is like a new trailer now! Anyway, just trying to say that sometimes buying a new light set is what you need. Replace all the wiring and stuff with new and you shouldn't have any issues.

The wiring that came with the lights looked pretty cheap, since the the whole rig is only 7 months past it's build date I'll keep the original wires your now

Update: led kit ftmfw. After testing everything I could imagine, just slapped on new led tail/stop kit from wallet world and it fixed er right up. Apparently brand new trailers from lowes are fix er uppers.

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