Tranny Fluid

I'll letcha know soon enough.

I've tried a handful of different oils in the tranny. Currently running Mobil1. It was fine thru the winter but now that the weather is getting warmer i've had a few issues getting into gear. No biggie. I'll probably swap it out yet again and go with Motul or Redline shockproof. The Uncle Scotty's seems like a load of horse dung to me and everyone says it's great because they don't want to admit that after buying 4 different ingredients to mix in their tranny it doesn't shift any different than if they just dumped in straight up, one brand gear oil.

my $0.02

I was planning on using the shockproof and the synchromesh

I run .5qt 80-140 with the rest Synchromesh in the miata. it shifts sooooooo smooth

The synchromesh helps the synchro's bite. at least it did in my saab.

gotta split it, too thin for the subaru. add that to your shockproof. In all reality it makes synchros bite.

Well, I FINALLY have time this weekend to change my tranny/rear diff. fluid, so I'll let you know how the "cocktail" works. I'll give a flat-out opinion if I really feel a difference or not. I just wanted to try something new, so we'll see if the hype is true or not.

i too have ordered the ingredients for my tranny, unfortunatly after only about 3k on this tranny i am having issues with the syncros >
i am praying that this will quiet things down, if it doesent does anyone know where i can find a good 4.11 tranny or how to fix the one i got?

OK guys, time for the 30K service on the rig (05 Sti). Here is my plan:

(1) Motul gear 300 for rear diff and tranny

(2) ATE Super Blue for the binders (bleed through--not just drain and replace in reservoir)--maybe install bleeders at this time

(3) Change out coolant (just drain--"flush" is overrated

(4) replace air filters (cabin and engine intake)

(5) Request that Inski do the work.

Am I missing anything? What's the word on power steering fluid?

Thanks for help and input.

Peace out.

I don't know about PS fluid, but I'd do a fuel injection flush. 05 and up Imprezas don't have a changable fuel filter, and Subaru injectors have tiny piezo holes. As the crap builds up slowly, you don't notice you're losing power. Every car I've ever done it to I've noticed a big difference. Other than that, it sounds like you've got a good handle on things. I belive Patriot does injecton flushes too, I just wonder if Inski knows how.... :

i just did my 30K in the driveway this weekend (and last weekend)

still need to do brake fluid, but i think i'm going to take it to patriot for that...disposing of all the old fluids is becoming a pain in the ass. i also need to look into that injection flush too


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