turbo back recommendations

I agree as well...if I was to do it again I think I would have gone with a diff exhaust...aps maybe....as for the intake...I think most intakes are the same...I think I have more perrin stuff on my car than cobb any way....In hind sight I think I should have gone with GT spec UEL headers/up pipe combo instead of the grimmspeed PnP manifolds and turboXS up pipe.

I went with the COBB stg2 AP+TBE and I love it! Sounds great and made the power I wanted. It is def more $$$ though...

If you're going to do the exhaust do it right the first time and get a full 3".

Donut flanges FTL.

How loud do you want it? Do you live in Cumby county? If you dont want to deal with the hassle just get a high flow cat in your DP and be done with it. As for the cat back go to some meets and see what you think sounds the best. What sounds good to one person may sound like garbage to someone else, since exhaust notes are so subjective.

i live in york county for now, i want it to be deep and dirty.(that's what she said) i think boxer engines make the best sounds and what is FTL? for the loss?

i live in york county for now, i want it to be deep and dirty.(that's what she said) i think boxer engines make the best sounds and what is FTL? for the loss?
Yar! Deep and dirty...the cat wont change the sound much. In york you have inspection for cats too. Honestly worth the money IMO. The fine for no cat is HUGE and with all the bleeding liberals in So. Maine I wouldn't be surprised if they actually start ticketing for it like cali

Go to the lewiston meet next month and hear them
My criteria was looking stock, keeping as quiet as possible for a full 3", and stainless.

Yar! Deep and dirty...the cat wont change the sound much. In york you have inspection for cats too. Honestly worth the money IMO. The fine for no cat is HUGE and with all the bleeding liberals in So. Maine I wouldn't be surprised if they actually start ticketing for it like cali

Go to the lewiston meet next month and hear them
My criteria was looking stock, keeping as quiet as possible for a full 3", and stainless.

i would have to agree if you want loud just get high flow cats it wont alter it much. i didnt do it and the cops where i live always ask why my car smells the way it does eventually they will figure it out but at the time i didnt have the money and went with a cheapo ebay downpipe. ontop of that i have to find a place later this year to get an inspection.

I'm biased but I strongly believe the Cobb exhaust is the perfect choice if you want loud, but not TOO loud. I have a Cobb catback with the ERZ high flow catted DP and it's perfect for me... not too loud at cruising speeds (def. not quiet though) and LOUD at WOT!.

IMO, stay with at least one cat as well. Makes life easier, and keeps the exhaust from sounding raspy.

My 2c.


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