
i like that rally shot too.
mine usually my most recent shoot, its gonna change here in a couple days:

ahh....is that a girl with the initials SB ?

Where's that pic?
I don't use a desktop pic. I do most stuff on my computer on the command line. So it is always a full screen terminal. Web browsing is one of few GUI activities of mine.
no pictures of me and the gf and unless everyone wants them

hit the print screen button while just the desktop is showing

(no open windows)>paste into word, paint etc...>upload to host>post!

hope this helps

I used to have one of those keyboards back in like 98
came with a compaq
haha, that's about when I got this one. It was from an HP though
. I just think that most keyboards are too not-clicky, I'm used to the feel of this one. Plus, new ones are too expensive when I don't need one.


I am trying to confuse myself.
Please tell me you don't use software to overclock, please.

Also, MSI core center is the worst of the worst. It's ok for monitoring before I have LAN drivers, but after that its all Core Temp baby :D/
