Want fancy photos of your car(s)?


New member
Hey everyone. Just got a camera system back together and I thought I'd extend the offer to photograph some cars. I'm no professional but I know my way around and can produce decent results(No Promises). I figured its an opportunity to get out and travel, meet some new people. Maybe a mini meet or two.

Recent photos of my car:

Not looking for money, but if I'm traveling a decent bit I ask that you throw a couple bucks for gas this way, I'm sure we all know wrxs are hungry

Let me know!


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I'd be down to get a few nice pics of my forester, even though I have crappy looking wheels on it right now. I would really like to get a few nice rolling shots of my car.

Nice! We should definitely get a bunch of cars together and get some shots. 
Absolutely. I'd love to.

I'd be down to get a few nice pics of my forester, even though I have crappy looking wheels on it right now. I would really like to get a few nice rolling shots of my car.
This would be new for me, and would require a third person, and quiet roads. I'm down.

lets set up a time! im free on weekends. 
I'm usually not sadly. Early Sunday(8-10am) or after 6 is good for me. If we plan in advance I can request time off if need be. I have random days off in the middle of the week.

well its getting to be light out pretty late so maybe we could get a week day in. im out at 5 mon-fri

I'm down.

What do you have for a camera? I have a canon 5d
I currently have a 40d and a 17-85mm. I sold all of my camera gear for the down payment on my wrx. I had a 5dm2 with a ton of L lenses and flashes. I miss them but don't regret it at all. I can still produce pretty pictures!

Where are you located?


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