We Welcome Your Feedback!

No need for pics guys... I found some really sweet hi-res graphics online. I've got a really good idea brewing in my head. Let me put it together and I'll provide a proof to you all for feedback. Gimme a day or two. I'm dealing with a back issue, and I'm touch and go at work.

I'm not logged in to the mobile site, so if carter wants to mess with it he wont be locking me out right now. and I liked the design we have on the front of the cards, just make a warm welcoming statement with a place to write a username and maybe real name on the back
It will take days for IPS to even get to it.

No need for pics guys... I found some really sweet hi-res graphics online. I've got a really good idea brewing in my head. Let me put it together and I'll provide a proof to you all for feedback. Gimme a day or two. I'm dealing with a back issue, and I'm touch and go at work.

Carter and I have been working on the new Mainely Subaru's cards. We're almost there. We're just trying to find a higher resolution logo for the cards. He's decided to stick with the original format from last year, except the back has a general "You've been spotted" statement, with a spot for the recruiter to sign his/her screen-name. I think that makes it a little more personal and people hopefully won't think that it is just some sort of sale on their windshield.

Carter, is it ok if I post some jpeg's on here for the crew to view?

Per Carter's request, only the back is being shown right now.


Sorry it is so small... but the text reads:

You've been spotted!

We are a group of Subaru enthusiasts, and we are inviting you to join in the fun and conversations!

Please visit us at www.mainelysubarus.com

You've been recruited by (and then the white space to place your name or screen name!

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Carter - you have an email from me with the final version of the card. I couldn't upload it via PM. I've used my quota already. Sorry!

Let me know what you think and then we can get these going. Might be a slight delay with everything because of the holidays though, but shouldn't take too too long.


Blue and white matches the site branding better than blue and yellow. Sorry to nitpick. Other than that it looks good and I appreciate the effort you're putting in for us!

Blue and white matches the site branding better than blue and yellow. Sorry to nitpick. Other than that it looks good and I appreciate the effort you're putting in for us!
Carter did mention that, and I'm more than happy to make the text on the back of the card a white knockout... but he's not opposed to the yellow. Quick vote perhaps? Ultimately it's up to Carter... he's the big dog here!

White.... That's two votes for WHITE. And basically two votes from the only two people that matter.

Revisions sent to Carter. Just waiting for his thumbs up so that I can post up the final version for you folks! We're almost ready to hit press with these.

EDIT: Revisions approved. Here is what the new cards will look like! Printed full color, full gloss, rounded edges.





Note the area of white on the back here... that's so you can sign the card and hopefully the person recruited will mention your name when they log on for the first time!


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