Weather report says 20% chance of a passing shower.Good enough for me....Its on...
..Try and save the top row in front of the napa building for us SUBARU's..Ill see yah before 6pm......Look out BRIDGTON subaru's are taking over........Im hearing rumors that even deeni might show up:spinmastert:...catch you all later..Wzrd
-----Added 8/26/2009 at 02:01:31-----
any word on if this is still going on or not tonight? whoever is saving spots should save a couple for the rest of us subarus : ) haha
Wanted to thank all of you who showed up for Bridgton's cruise nite...Josh,joe,greg, were more Subaru's represented then any other make ,
we got our share of looks and comments....All positive[within earshot anyways]
When greg and josh left:wh:the crowd got to see and hear what a subaru can do.[and were immpressed]..For those who dont know,greg/stixxx has one of the "BADest" STI's" ever seen on maine roads..Both josh/stikid.....And joes car/gate4jg looks like it came off the factory floor yesterday..beautifully maintained cars.....craig's car is still down with the blown turbo issue,good news is its been ordered and is enroute...Sorry nate didnt make it up ,maybe another time...Thanks again yall it was a nice summer evening to go for a ride Wzrd out. Greg..if you stayed a little longer i THINK some of your raffle tickets were winners...I got a tee shirt for my 5 bucks
yah really sorry i couldn't make it.... any chance youll be there next wed? ive been really wanting to make it out, but a last minute dinner plans sprung up. ugggh.
was a beautiful night out and was great to meet some locals who love subi's to. ill probs make this a weekly habit. dont see why not. i dont have anything todo wed nights. maybe i can get some of my friends with nice/tuner cars to come out. nice to meet everyone tonight. glad everyone liked the car.
yah really sorry i couldn't make it.... any chance youll be there next wed? ive been really wanting to make it out, but a last minute dinner plans sprung up. ugggh.
Hmmm... If Topdeeni looks confused (and he does!) it's simply because he's not seen an actual, working turbo in an STi since his Deadbolt shat, and the owner ran off to the South Seas with his children's Asian nanny. Dammit.
Anyhow... That was a lot of fun, I really enjoyed shooting the sheet with youse' guys, and I will be there again this Wednesday, weather and schedule permitting.
Note: The black 2004 STi beside my car is SO clean you can, literally, eat off of the engine block, or any part of the car, for that matter. The car is showroom fresh, enviably so. Slick, is an understatement.
I was told this was achieved with the use of a portable steam cleaner, and I was so very, very impressed I went home and ordered one immediately. ($100 on EBay, for a good one!)
I hope to use it before this Wednesday's meet so's my engine might look as enviably dealership-prepped-quality clean.
I will bring some cleaning stuff to the next cruise night, if the steam cleaner doesn't get it all. "a sock and honda spray." and yes honda makes a cleaning spray. lol
I will bring some cleaning stuff to the next cruise night, if the steam cleaner doesn't get it all. "a sock and honda spray." and yes honda makes a cleaning spray. lol
used to use it at work all the time. only down side is that people sell it for 2x more than whats its worth because it says honda on it. Thank god it was free, I cant justify buying a "honda product" for eight bucks a can.