What does it cost to run the club?

Well RICK, since you wont be buying another RS, I think you should donate what you would have bought it for. Oh say $3000. I take credit cards

There is a donation button at the top right of the forum on the side bar.

You should make it free to sign up for an allotted time, if they are committed enough to the club they could pay a dollar a month. Just spit balling here, thoughts?

If I had the money I would def donate more.. I love the club and since I dont have a facebook I spend most of my online time on here. Im planning on donating some this summer when I work more and can actually have the money too. 

I know its an old thread, but I just wanted to thank Carter (and everyone else involved) for keeping up with this site's expenses and letting us use it for free. So many cool people on here, and it feels like everyone is close and extremely helpful to one another. I love that

I haven't been to a meet yet, but one of these times I would like to go and support other fellow maine subie's!

Thanks again!

Thanks for the words. We all do a lot to keep it running. Site still doesn't run for free and every little bit is a huge help.

I would be in support of a minimum yearly fee or whatever. Basically whatever it needs to be to keep us going. I appreciate all that goes on behind the scenes, but don't have a credit card or anything of that sort... Any way to make a cash donation??

Have you thought about starting a m/s YouTube channel? We could post stuff from group events, DIY's, rally-x, snow sliding, exhaust clips, any other semi appropriate shenenigans and beyond so many channel views it pays. I don't know exactly how it works and it may only add up to literally pennies... But its an idea.

Carter has taken a sabbatical but I like the idea. Usually when I post on YouTube ill make a tag for Mainelysubarus

....is it bad I needed to look up sabbatical? The only thing I could see being a hassle is that you'd have to send the videos as files to someone who had access to upload the videos to the channel.


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